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Hello Patreons!

Today on Everyday is a Hardcore Day (which is our little series where I tell you what I'm working on) I bring information about the next Hardcore Lady animation.

I'm working on an ExBimbo animation throwing lots of punches at Cassie. Most of the frames are already ready because this animation I had started when my PC started having problems.

I'm adding some extra animations to make it even cooler.

I plan to finish it tomorrow (Wednesday), but as I'm adding more animations it might be done by Thursday.

Massive muscles of ExBimbo

My cell phone broke, so I can't make Lens here on Patreon to show the progress of the animation. But I think she's going to be really cool, showing how ExBimbo throws some pretty violent punches!

After this animations I'll do one story with Deicide Sisters. The Deicide Little Devil was kidnaped ,now B.Deicide Will free your sister and in the process they will hurt a lot whoever trapped the little devil.

In today's image an old drawing. It's Lechoslawa giving Hemy a very painful blow. She hooks Hemy's head on her massive legs, squeezes and crosses Hemy's arms, breaking them in the process. I've never done this Lechoslawa attack in 3D, that would be a good idea, wouldn't it?

I want to thank everyone for their support, messages and ideas.

Thank you so much for allowing me to work with what I love.




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