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Hello Patreons!

All right?

in the post image: Lechoslawa showing her passionate curves.This image is in 4K.

I'm doing this post to notify you that my PC is back today and worse than ever. One of the memories spoiled. It had 16GB now only 8GB.

Another bad news is that I was banned from Deviart...

The worst thing is that they banned me because of an image that technically isn't infringing on anything since it's Hitomi punching a guy in the face, the image is this:

I think they will need banne all Mortal Kombat Content from DA

The moderator who banned me was having a bad day and decided to harm someone, that's all. So chose me, my account is banned forever from Devianart. At some point I'll create a new one, but now I'm not in the mood for that.

With the PC back I will stay on Lechoslawa Rage Day 2 Part III.

As I have even less memory on the PC now I believe it will be even slower rendering. I'm working to deliver a new story on Sunday.

Tomorrow I will organize the links to email you the content of this month.

Sorry for the delay.                                                                                                                                                A big hug and thanks for the support and messages of encouragement. It was very special.




So sorry to hear about your trials. I will certainly wait however long enough to see the results of your fantastic imagination and the adventures of Lech and B (and others) that so enrich us with their strength and beauty. All the best toward a brighter future.

Eline beesje

Totally agree with Darrell! Hang in there hardcore you will figure it out and you're fans are here to help whenever possible!


So many bad things are happening, but I hope it all goes away. At the moment I really want to do a great job. I feel it will make me feel good.