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It's...It's...Halloween!                                                                                                                                         This mystic date makes evil walk around!

One of the scariest stories out there is about the Black Witch!   Have you heard about any of her stories?

Nobody knows her name, but they say you can find her any night, but on Halloween she feels more inspired to hunt people and have fun in unusual ways with the bodies of her victims!

Her stories tell from many years ago!

-->Patreons, I made some changes to the Black Witch and now she is an independent character from Lechoslawa.

As I remade the Lechoslawa and was using her old look for the Black Witch Lechoslawa version I changed her look using the old Lechoslawa base.

I redid her face, changed her muscle tone a little, leaving her with a slimmer waist. I left the arm muscles very voluminous and the proportion between thigh and calf is better.

She's pretty vascular.  Her hair has also been modified to give it a better personality.

The clothes I kept the same because I don't want them to lose their connection with the old character (which in reality is still the same).

Let's consider that the Black Witch lives for many generations and faces many people. So she uses her dark powers to be able to revitalize her body.

About her powers remain the same (several different dark spells) and she will have "THE IMPALER", for sure!

Her biceps when flexed I drew a new one, to be a beautiful giant ball.

I think it's very difficult not to look at her and not see Lechoslawa, but she is not Lechoslawa anymore, she is just the Black Witch. Good name, huh? hahahaha

The next story will be starring her, Let's enjoy the Halloween vibe!

Thank you all for your support, ideas, comments and messages.

Any problem, doubt, questions you have, send me a message!

And I invite  who are not yet on the Hardcore Ladys Discord to join. In the fixed topic there is a step by step how to enter. It's really cool and it's great to have contact with all of you!

Thanks again for everything!



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