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Hello Patreons!

All right?

Today I bring part 1 of a story that comes with some news. I worked a lot on this story and I will tell you what I try to bring you.

Just to advance the second part is already ready and will be released on Friday. The complete story has 150 Images.

The great size of this story is that I tried to make an ever-recurring request from the Patreons: more intense and disputed fights.

I have a big problem with making very long storys because my PC is weak and it takes too long to finish the story. This one I intended to release part 1 yesterday, but it wasn't done in time.

But here's the good news:

I started to learn how to "break things" a little better, in this story I explored a little bit of that by making the characters hit the scene and break a part,smash object and break ground,armor,this is very cool.        It's still not much, I want to be able to make more massive destructions and convincingly, but I think it's a good start.

It's also always a request from you guys for more destruction and I would also like to do that to show you some power scales.

A small change that may not be noticed by you because of the character's quick participation: The Deicide Little Devil has gone through some changes. The most important was getting her hair straight, which is now correct. Her body also had a rebalancing both in muscle mass, which is denser and her height.

Her outfit is also different from her sister, being another bikini, with other details.

This story was very difficult to do because I had to cut several elements because of my weak PC, but I want to tell in an "Everyday is a Hardcore Day", it ends up being curious to see what I wanted to do and what ends up being done because of problems delimitation.

The story is "totally new", presenting the girls in a different context than those shown so far. It is a great tribute to Tokusatsu, a type of Japanese program that was very popular in my country and I watched it when I was little.

My biggest focus in the story was telling the plot and having a good fight.

So I need you (after I release part 2 in particular, I'll remind you again) to let me know if I'm going in the right direction about more balanced combat.

I will always be striving to serve everyone and raise the quality of my work, which as I always say I LOVE doing!

Many thanks to everyone for your comments, messages and support. I will be answering everyone tomorrow!

Let's go to the next story!





This is great! I do see a difference in Decide, and I like it! She looks much more 'natural' but still incredibly powerful. And the effect of the building breaking on page 67 is good!


I am really interested to see how this plays out? What the end game here is. What direction this story is setting up. I don't think it is a bad thing presenting stories with balanced fights. I think the diversity of all different types of stories is a good thing. You should go with your creative instincts in the direction that motivates you. Even if that changes from time to time. Some of your members will be more entertained by that and others will be more entertained by other types of stories. So I don't hink it will hurt your membership to follow your inspiration where ever it leads you. Always entertaining, keep up the great work!


I was very happy that the difference is visible in Deicide! It's great to know that the improvements are really noticeable! Thank you very much! I'm also happy that the break effect is getting better. I was a little shy about making them, in the following stories I will explore more destruction. Thank you very much for the feedback Ffejl!


I will see your feedback, the theme is "very different" from what you see in general. I think it's cool to be able to explore some different things, but the continuation will depend on the interest of the Patreons. This story is very short and already tells the final moments of the fights of the Girls against the Deicides sisters, it's like the final episodes of a great TV series.