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Hello Patreons!

All right?

This last week was of intense work to make this animation.

I don't have a very powerful PC, but for this animation I really wanted to do something in a quality that I not do before.

I managed to animate 3 characters on the screen and the entire scenario!                                    
I watched the animation several times and I am very happy with the result.

As a creator/artist it's very exciting to see my characters moving!

I also tried to make the animations more fluent, some are still not 100%, I'm learning and this animation was an important step to improve.

But there are a lot of attacks that are really nice animation! Lechoslawa kick and "mini-bomb" are very smooth animated. Love.

About the animation I decided not to follow 100% the script of the story "Beach Lesson", at the beginning I would only animate the moves that Lechoslawa breaks the guy's arms, but I wanted to do something cooler, so I made a little story.

The blood effects I still haven't quite right, I need to learn how to make blood in post production. Some worked well, some didn't. Let's study u_u


One of the points that I'm always asked is to make more balanced fights, usually the Hardcore Ladys stories are "squatch matches". This is because my PC is not very good and it takes too long to render with the quality that I like and you deserve. But in this animation I tried to do a little more balance (and in the last stories too) fight.

I want to thank you so much for the patience you had while I was doing this animation. You guys not abandoning me gives me a very good confidence to try to do some more complex projects.

Thank you very much!

Thanks also for the support, ideas and I hope you like this animation. And if you have any criticism, please, you can write in the comments, send a message... I am 100% open to listen  and try to bring more quality content every time.

On Wednesday I will release a gallery based on this animation for all Patreons.

Thanks again!

->Very curious to know what you think!

Edit:Now also MP4 version, requested by a Patreon. I think that not lost quality,I try convert with all options to max.



Colin Covert

Yes indeed! Very creative, excellent work as always.

Eline beesje

Wow it's so cool! Best animation so far!!! This lechoslawa is so cool! Same level as b. Deicide for me!! Hope you are planning more beserker lechoslawa stuff soon! She is so strong and sexy! She can destroy a lot more!


Hello Elinee! Thank you very much! Let's have more demonstration of the power of this little destroyer! Thanks!