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Hello Patreons!

All right?

Today we follow our story where B.Deicide kills Marvel heroes.

Chapter 7 begins exactly in the sequence of 6, thus being a sequence of the confrontation between B.Deicide and Captain Marvel.

In this chapter you will see how cruel B.Deicide can be and the way she wants to pass the message to all heroes, using one of them as a warning!

The real force of destruction is walking the world!

I tried to do some more scenes with destruction of buildings, they are still very difficult to do. I did a little research and the news I learned I applied to this story.    Hope you like it.

I thought the result of this chapter was really cool. Together with chapter 6 we have one big fight!

Thanks to everyone for the comments, messages and ideas.                                                          
 I will soon be answering everyone!

Thank you so much for allowing me to work with what I love!



Crazy M

you just keep getting better! Amazing job! There is an entire universe of heroes for her to crush... After she's done with Marvel, just to go to DC universe hehehe We love a non stop rampage!


I agree with Crazy Muscle! This was the absolute best so far. You're killing it! Pun intended. 😉


B.Deicide is an unstoppable monster! I really feel bad for the pathetic Avengers remaining. After what B.Deicide did to Captain Marvel there is no possible hope left for any of them.


Really? An average of 70 members and only 6 people ❤️ this post? This story was EPIC! Come on folks! This should have 25 or 30 ❤️s by now! 😇


Despair begins to hit the heroes, who will need a strong plan to beat B.Deicide....or try.


To be honest, this series isn;t really among my favorites though I have to admit this one was probably the best so far.


Thankfully Hardcore has a broad range of story lines and characters to keep almost everyone happy! :) I'm almost as pleased with all his stuff as I am with B.Deicide and her exploits. All of his work deserving of the acknowledgement of the effort and (kink) ;) he puts into it. The growth in the quality and skill of his work alone leaves me surprised more people are not willing to step out of the shadows and show him some "love" and not the B.Deicide kind either. :)


I love love the B.Deicide character. She is reaching the point that she is defeating her foes before ever even facing them! The psychological defeat is almost as cool as seeing her break them with her powerful body!! Almost. ;) I looking forward to B.Deicide's transition to the DC universe... I am so interested in how you decide to portray the power she has to make that happen. I have a slew of ideas. ;) But I'm sure she wont let her admirers down!


Yes! The possibilities are what I think make this interesting. The evolution and the path the story has taken is GREAT! In conjunction with the evolution of B.Deicide and the melding of the two Deicieds in this story arc. The brilliance of it's organic progression. Keep up the GREAT work!!


That was excellent ! Could you make one where she rips his cock off his body ?


Let's work with this idea Red! I need do one continuation for B.Deicide Fun Garden! I can use this idea for story! Thanks!