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Hello Patreons!

All right?

Before I did anything, I wanted to apologize for the delay with the gallery and explain the sad reason:

Covid-19 hit my family.

My father got this terrible disease and he is part of the risk group (he has diabetes), this last week it was all very difficult and complicated because in my country there are not many free hospital beds to treat the disease.

I can say that apparently my father is improving and I ask you a lot for any positive energy that you can direct to him. Thank you so much!

Today's gallery I divided into two parts, because it ended up being delayed a lot, due to what happened. The second part I intend to release by Thursday.

In this story a devil from another area of

hell wants to take the part that the Deicides reign, of course they will not leave.

There's a little animation showing Deicide draining the devil's energy.

This gallery was based on ideas from Patreons, I appreciate the support and ideas!

Thank you very much to all of you!

I hope you like this story and again I apologize for the delay.



Crazy M

we will always be around and supporting you... stay strong, my friend!


Thank you Crazy. I will always strive to bring quality content and improve it in order to honor your trust. Thanks!

Eline beesje

Wow this is so great! Can't wait for the moment they meet a opponent worth there power and they have to put a little effort in it! Wow perfect art Hardcore!


B.Deicide wants to teach her sister everything their power is capable of, they will have to go after opponents they think are strong, so they can break them!