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Hello Patreons!

All right?

Today we have a special guest, Abby from The Last of Us 2.

I'll be honest, I don't know this game. I watched some Abby videos in action and I was really surprised that she has something like that in a game. Shocking.

In this gallery I try to bring a little bit of the brutality that Abby applies in her attacks, where she was attacked by 3 strong men and managed to dominate the situation.

I hope you like this gallery and the special guest!

I really appreciate everyone's support and ideas. Feel free to comment, give ideas or critic.

Everything is important for me in improving my work.

Thank you very much!




Crazy M

As a TLOU fanatic, that's a very nice job :) You did her model very well. You should play the game yourself actually, don't go by people's opinions tho. It's a game that touches from person to person. You may don't like the story as a lot of people, but technically it's absolutely flawless. And yes, Abby's really brutal, I love her so much.


Great gallery!


Thank you so much Crazy! The base of the model was made by another artist, I designed the most powerful and vascularized arms to give a feeling of strength and greater brutality. I hardly play modern video games, but this one looked pretty cool. The last game was Streets of Rage 4, I love beat'up games.