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Hello Patreons!

All right?

Today in our series of simple images, Everyday is a Hardcore Day, I bring a collection of interesting things from the past, a drawing that I made by hand yesterday and a slightly different Hitomi!

I was working on old files and found the source files of a very simple animation that I was doing more than 10 years ago. It is not finished, but I put all the pieces together and added sound, so I am making it available for you.

This little story of animation is:

A new girl arrives at school and there is another girl who is super popular and likes to bully other girls.

She went to the new student to be able to joke about the fact that she is small short.

The new student, then using her powerful muscles, begins a destructive combo of blows.

the beginning of this story I had drawn and the end too, but unfortunately I lost it.

In the image above (the post cover) you can see Lechoslawa with the bag written "Hardcore Lady" before the Hardcore Ladies existed.

I found one of the parts that had to be animated, but it is not finished, so I colored it to make it available for you to see what would be the next attack that the new student would give to the bullying girl.

No mercy girl we don't know is the Lechoslawa with red hair! Yah!

And yes ... it's Lechoslawa with red hair and Hemy with pink hair ahahahaha

I also found images / animated gifs of characters with their statistics that would be part of a game that I tried to make a long time ago. And there is also Lechoslawa and Hemy with slight differences in design and other names. There is a third character that I never used again.

She is Lechoslawa ...

... it seems not! Lechoslawa's evil twin sister hahahaha

This is pretty strong! Maybe I'll bring a character based on her.

She doing a flex pec with bug in the animation. xD

I reused Lechoslawa and Hemy because nobody knew them at the time, only those who read my comic books (which did not have versions on the internet). Today I preferred to use normal ones because that's how I like them!

Has a nice gif of Lechoslawa finishing Hemy, I remember that the image was in good quality, but I just found the GIF this time.

Lechoslawa defeating Hemy in the most humiliating ways ... ever!

Hemy's counterpart ...

She moves her boobs   :o)

I was trying another program and I did this Hitomi.

I still don't know how to use it well and maybe I'll bring something from this program. But I need to learn how to make better muscles. But I made her nice calves ;o)

She looked very young in that image.

It is a traditional drawing, I still don’t have a comfortable place to draw, yesterday I was very eager to draw, but I was so uncomfortable where I was sitting that I didn’t feel well to draw.

But I think it was cool.

The idea is that she is giving one of her powerful roundhouse kicks right in the face of Hemy!

My style is not very beautiful, but I think it has charisma, isn't it?    ;o)

I hope you like today's curious content, quite different from what I always do, don't you think?

I'm working on the next gallery and Saturday will be out!

Many thanks to everyone for their support and ideas.

I thank you so much for allowing me to work with what I love: Muscular women, in every way!





Crazy M

Awesome, well done!


The "things from the past" are really interesting. It's great to see the evolution of these characters and the transitions from line art to CGI. Great work!

