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Hello Patreons!

How are the holidays going?

I hope you are all doing very well !

Today I bring an Everyday is a Hardcore Day, our series of random images that I release sometimes.

As I prepare for the next big release I use Everyday is a Hardcore Day to keep things moving here    :o)

Today we have B. Deicide in her garden of fun and pain, easily breaking a victim's neck.

A fun pastime of the great and powerful B.Deicide.

Patreons I am preparing an animation with Lechoslawa and Hemy, based on the gallery I launched on Christmas.

I have almost no animations with this theme, I will make one and hope that on Saturday I already have it ready.

Even with the new year parties in the middle of the road I believe that I will not be late in this animation. I want to do a lot of events in this animation.

I thank you all for your support and ideas.

I slowed down a little bit this holiday season, but for 2021 many good galleries will come!

Thank you for supporting me!

Have a great new year!



antonio mauro facchinetti

Wonderful B.Deicide ...... 👏🏻👏🏻 you kill the skinny girl ❤ ❤

tom pornapore

OH MAN OH MAN! B.Deicide IS my most favorite evil lady ,She dosen't even need a cock ! please keep her so brutal!!!


iN fights against the She-Hulk she showed her brutality once again! And I used an idea that you gave me, Tom!