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Hello Patreons!

All right?

Here I am still a little sick, I am taking care, but my illness does not pass.

Let's see if this week I have an better restore xD

Today I bring a story that came from an idea that I read in the comments.

It is about Hercules facing and being fucked by Deicide.

This is the first story I make using Deicide Little Devil, it's a character I like. Both in the drawing version and 3D.

The idea is that she has very massive and bulky muscles. Hope pass this.

I hope you like this story, this script I had written some time ago. When I read the comment.

Thank you all so much for the support, ideas and positive energies for my health!



Alec Musc

Loved their bodies and the beginning of the story, when both were at the full power of their muscles. I thought that she would overpower him with her muscles not beat him using chemical warfare, using a hormone to beat him up. A bit disappointed.


HA HA! HA! Chemical warfare!! I think it is demonstration of her true power. She can even overpower Hercules physically with just her hormones!! Besides, I hope this as a premise for more physically destructive encounters with even more powerful Gods!

Crazy M

I love when she forces him to kiss her cock <3 nice job as always! I hope you do in the future someone (hope to be a small woman) to kiss her bulge, inside her panties <3 I love that too, really hard to find....


Hello Crazy! I'm really glad you liked it. Wow about your idea I did something very close to the last gallery I launched: Lechoslawa and Hemy in The BIG Gift. A lot of coincidence, I hope you like it! Anyway, I will leave this passage to put in a story.