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Hello Patreons!

Today, I am proud to bring you this chapter of the Ultimate Rise saga.

I have a little story of the development of that story to share.

The idea for "Hitomi vs Agnieszka" came from Patreon Danny Anderson who wrote in the community tab: "Agnieszka vs hitomi scissors match?"

At first I thought of making a gallery with just them going straight to the scissors fight, without being a story.

Then I thought: "I think you can make a little single story".

So the idea evolved a little more and I thought of the whole script that could be used for a chapter in the Ultimate Rise saga.

So I wanted a little more and added more parts of the stories, showing B. Deicide, Hemy and Lechoslawa, further enriching the Hardcore Ladys universe.

I've been working directly since the 7th of August on this story that I'm posting today. Yes, direct, total dedication. Because I thought the script was really cool and I really wanted to deliver this work to you.

During the production of the story, on August 9th I decided to divide the story in two parts because for the second part I will need your help in a poll (which I will be bringing tomorrow), because this is what I want, to have more and more contact with my Patreons.

I am very happy to have done in this story everything I wanted, all the dialogues, screens, everything, everything. I'm very happy.

And all this text is to once again thank you Patreons, because with 1 sentence, 1 idea of

a Patreon I created this story that I think you will love!

There are 86 images made with a lot of dedication for you, because my Patreons are fantastic and I will always want to do more than 100% for you.

Thank you so much for making it possible for me to work with what I love!

Thank you!






This is off to a good start. I'm pulling for Hitomi.


Wow! You put a lot of work into this gallery!! Great work. I see you are trying to spread the love around. You hit virtually ALL the main charecters! That was an impressive accomplishment. One I'm sure ALL the members appreciate. ;) It's always exciting to see B.Deicide. I hope she gets fed-up enough with her "mysterious friend" and ends her in the most horrific of ways... maybe with some witnesses to see her brutality. Just saying... ;)


Hitomi and Agnieszka were beautiful showing the strength of their huge legs. B. Deicide and her mysterious friend will soon have more information revealed in the course of this super saga!


Technique and strength beat brute force! This is quite a dispute and in the second part the decision will be made by you!