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Hello Patreons!

Today at Everyday is a Hardcor Day we have ... the Hardcore Ladys power meter!

These values correspond to their appearance in the Ultimate Rise Saga.

The values are divided into the following attributes:

Arm Power

Leg power




Ultimate Energy

The ultimate energy value represents how much each girl has this power within her. Ultimate Energy is something very powerful in the Hardcore Ladys universe, but it is not something definitive. A hardcore lady without ultimate energy but with strong muscles can defeat someone who has, as we can see in the first story of the Ultimate Rise saga (Cassie vs Yuka). Using the ultimate energy is something that needs training and can quickly leave the Hardcore Lady without energy, making her tired after activating the Ultimate energy.

Let's see the girls power:

                                                             Cassie "Crazy Bunny" Garcia

 Arm Power: 9

Leg power:  2

Speed:          10

Toughness: 6

Technique:  9

Ultimate Energy: 0

The bunny girl stands out as one of the Hardcore Ladys with the highest technique and strength in her arms. Like a good boxer, each punch gives terrible pain and leads to bones to be broken. Her speed is also formidable and she can punch so fast that you can't count without watching it in slow motion! She have strong legs,but we never see she kicking...she need?

                                           Lechoslawa Czachor "The polish atomic girl"

Arm Power: 9

Leg power: 10

Speed:           0

Toughness: 9

Technique:  3

Ultimate Energy: 0

Lechoslawa is massively strong and hard. She doesn't worry about being fast. In a fight the opponent will need to approach and at that moment she will grab and finish the opponent with a very violent attack. Lechoslawa doesn't have much technique but has enough strength to do whatever she wants with an opponent's body after she grabs him!

                                                        Hemylenne "Hemy" Karasinski


Arm Power: 3

Leg power: 5

Speed:          9

Toughness: 8

Technique:  7

Ultimate Energy: 10

Hemy never gives up!

Whenever she falls, she gets up and gets ready for another round. Endowed with a lot of willpower and objective, Hemy loves a fight and stronger opponents make her more excited.Within Hemy resides an enormous power that when released reveals an impressive and powerful Hemy.

                       Marianna Agnieszka Szyper "The best player in the world!"


Arm Power:5

Leg power:7

Speed:         6



Ultimate Energy:7

Agnieszka is undoubtedly one of the most complete Hardcore Ladys!

She and Hemy have a "hateful friendship", where the two are rivals, they love to face each other but refuse to say that they really like each other since the first fight!Agnieszka is completely convinced that she is the best in the world, not only in the Hardcore Ladys championship, but also in video games, another passion of her. Her fighting style is complete, with very violent techniques and blows, especially those applied by her strong legs. The strength of Agnieszka's legs are so great that even Lechoslawa recognizes the enormous strength of Agnieszka's techniques and strong leg locks and scissors.

Tomorrow I bring the other 4 Hardcore Ladys the statistics!

-> Patreons more information about the next story (it will be a story, with text) that I am doing full power ahead:

I decided that it will be part of the Ultimate Rise saga, showing the girls in a more relaxed moment and doing a leg strength duel between Agnieszka and Hitomi In Hardcore Ladys All Star Weekned (works like Nba All Star and similars). It will be a story with a good amount of images, I believe that more than 100 (I already have 20 made, showing only the first challenge of strength and I want to do at least 3 strength challenges and whoever loses will have to do a very neat workship in the muscles of the winner.

One work in progess image,with crazy backgrond of course u_u

Another question that would like your participation:

When the muscle workship, is it better that they are naked or not?

The idea is to leave the loser very humiliated globally (Hardcore Ladys is a hit on TV worldwide!)

But I would like your participation at this point.


Other information about this story is that B. Deicide, her mysterious companion, will also make a brief participation. Just like Hemy, Lechoslawa and Cassie.

And of course our number one narrator Livia "Lin" Suave!

Anyway, the Hardcore Ladys All Star Weekend is a great festive event!

I thank all Patreons for their support and ideas.

Thank you so much for making it possible for me to do all of this!
