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Hello Patreons!

Today at Everyday is a Hardcore Day we see Lechoslawa after defeating Hemy and showing her extremely strong muscles.

Even during the fight Hemy asking to stop , Lechoslawa continued to make extremely strong and torturou submission moves.

->Patreons I am working to release the animation Cassie vs Yuka: Cassie Combo tomorrow.

After this animation (which will also have a gallery based on the video, as I always do) I will do part 3 of the story Hitomi Growth University, concluding this story.

I'm also reworking the sprites for My Muscular Girlfriend, to make the game lighter. The next beta of the game should take a little longer to come out because I need to do the all animations again.

I thank all of for supporting my work.

Thank you!




Any idea when you will do Another Side story?


Yes! after finish Growth University part III we will see Audrey in Another Side label!