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Hello Patreons!

Today at Everyday is a Hardcore Day we will see how Audrey Lowell passes her quarantine.

Audrey loves bikes and in quarantine she repairs her bikes that are in trouble.

With his incredible strength Audrey can easily lift the bikes to see where the problems are!

Patreons I already finished one more attack for the game My Muscular Girlfriend. As suggested by a Patreon the added attack was the Argentine Backbreaker.

Lechoslawa Doing the jumping Argentine backbreaker. For her boyfriend to take an unforgettable punishment!

Thank you very much for the Patreon idea.

I will be implementing this attack in the game.

Did you play the last beta demo? Did you like it?

Do you have any idea for more attacks? I will put two more attacks in the game.

Hitomi's story of muscle growth is already set for part 1. In this story Hitomi wants to join the fight team at her university, but the guys didn't let her because they said she is weak.

Hitomi is sad and a teacher encourages her to train to become stronger. But he has no idea what will happen.

Hitomi need more muscles! Image of the base set. Without lights and detais

Patreons did you play Streets of rage 4?

In this game there are 2 characters that caught my attention.

Estel Aguirre, a police officer with beautiful muscles.

She applies very violent attacks with punches, elbows and kicks. But unfortunately she has no grabbs. An armbreaker would be perfect for this character. I think in the future she will be a playable character. She is a boss.

Estel is one good girls but no know the true yet.

There are also short motorbikes that use flying piledrives. Their design reminds me of a character that I didn't finish creating. Another attack from her includes a sliding header that throws your character away and a kick.

Very desmoralized attack in Blaze

Patreons I'm working on launching the first part of Hitomi's muscle growth story this Tuesday.

Thank you very much for your support!

Take care of Covid!

One last question:

Are you interested in playing a Beat Up game (Streets of Rage, Final Fight style) with  Hardcore Ladys girls?

Thank you!



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