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Hello Patreons!

This story is very important, starting from it, the saga "Ultimate Rise" officially begins, where we will see how Ultimate energy works and the path of Hemy, our protagonist.

It will not be all the stories that will be focused on Hemy.

In today's story we will see Cassie facing off against a competitor who uses Ultimate energy and we will learn a little about that power.

I hope you like this little saga that I'm going to do.

Ultimate Energy is not the same as the Ultimate in the Hardcore Ladys Ultimate line. Parallel universes and these things u_u

I hope you like this story!

The next release will be a video that I am finished that complements the "My muscular Girlfriend" gallery.

Another great thing that is already in post-production (adding effects, sound and details) is the Hardcore Ladys Short Movie.

I thank everyone for their support to continue my work!

Thank you!




That was fun. I like that the Ultimate energy was not enough. Glad to see your internet is back up. Can't wait to see what else you have for us in the coming weeks.


This saga will be cool and it will show more of the Hardcore Ladys universe! In the next part we will say more about Ultimate Energy. As we can see in this story Ultimate Energy can sometimes not be enough! But also facing Cassie it is difficult for you to stand up so hard that she has punches!