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Hello Patrons!

This post is a little different from the ones I always do because it's not to bring a gallery. It's just to talk a little and show some things I've done and what come next to Hardcore Ladys.

Know that I never stop work! : oD

The characters you know were created in 2001.

Marianna Agnieszka (who was then called Elfim) and Hemylenne Karasinski (who was just Emy). They were the main ones and the stories were very different from those found in Hardcore Ladys. Lechoslawa was created in 2003 (by the name of Eczo and she ... threw fire lol) and replaced Agnieszka.

Marianna Agnieszka version 2002

Hemylenne from 2002

Lechoslawa 2006

This is all in the old series of stories that I made, were in black and white and super simple. I always liked to draw and make stories, I was never a great designer. The stories were comical but with a lot of fight/violence.

This first series of girls' stories ended in 2008.

Just a joke. "Busty Bat" and "Polish Lantern"

Only in 2014 I made a reboot of the stories, made 3 issues and unfortunately stopped. They were still simple, colorful drawings of this ve, but the handwritten text is hard to understand.

But the story now has many explanations and the characters are better defined.

Hemylenne is the main one and she's quite different from Hardcore Ladys's Hemylenne. She is very quarrelsome and very strong, even if she has no muscles.

Agnieszka is her inseparable friend.

The drawings are much better than the old stories.

Hemy desing 2014

Agnieskza 2014

This is plot:

A company is producing a drug that makes people very strong and crazy if they can't keep track.

She creates a tournament to test some peoples who use this drug.

Hemylenne and Agnieszka enter this tournament.

2014 Comic Page. Hemylenne faces Hitomi in the first fight. In the last  she says "The Busty Kiss", that's the name of her special blow lol

After a series of fights Hemy reaches the final and defeats the main subject of the company.

Agnieskza fighting and using his special "High Foot" . Hemy is in the crowd bothering her.

Other Hemy special move "Peitoriuguem" is like a Shoryuken...but with tits lol

Fight sequence Florzinha que Ri vs Abadedeia That is one of the people who uses the drug.

Florzinha que Rí (this name in english is Little Flower That Laughs) is destroyed without any forgiveness by the vilan

Hemy says, "That's unnecessary." FlorzinhaQue Ríí picks up even after already defeated.

Florzinha was finished u_u

The villains try to use Hemy as a experience, but the girl breaks it all!

Agnieskza (with the help of friends Carlos Gomes and Florzinha Que Rí) gets the evidence for the police to end the company.

This first arc of stories is quite simple.

The unstoppable Hemy in the tournament's final fight

Another special coup from hemy "indoctrinating hemy".

This villain can control the drug perfectly in her body. Then she can increase her muscles with total control. After being nervous, she releases some of her strength.

Hemy is startled by the speed and larger muscles of the adversary.

The enemy uses her special attack and gets ready to do one more, now with twice the force

Much more painful

Hemy speaks in the enemy's face that this is nothing and spits blood in her face. Then villain delivers a violent punch to Hemy's stomach

The villain gets very nervous and decides to use an amount of muscle level that she hasn't done yet. To crush Hemy at once "

Hemy is scarred by what she is seeing and before she can do anything she takes a violent punch that makes her vomit. What looks like an "x-ray view" of Hemy's belly. Parodying the Mortal Kombat X-ray.

Hemy continues to taunt the enemy that forces more muscle grow. But this time she feels bad.

Now its time to Hemy shinning. Sant Seya parody here.

Unfortunately I just stopped at issue 3 and this saga doesn't end. I still think about making these stories again, but this time in English (in Portuguese these pages) and with a letter that can be read. lol

Well I hope you enjoyed this curious post about some things I've done.

I will post more often telling some other things.

Lechoslawa with her "tringle" eyes

Be scared when you see my muscles! She had these strange triangular eyes

More fit version of Hemy. 2008

What's next for Hardcore Ladys:

I'm making the first short movie based on a Patreon request. Thiswill take more time because is a big production. :oD

I also started the coloring part of a gallery with handmade drawings, was requested by a Patron who is no longer among us. But I'll e-mail him what you asked for. I hope he likes it.

An Agnieszka gallery in black and white (believe me it will be VERY beautiful!)

One from Hemylenne with the competition physicist doing some flexing (Patreon request)

I intend to make a gallery with Futa based on a Patreon's request for comment, with Hemy being the victim.

And more things will come!

And remember if you have any requests, ideas/commissions or anything you want to see here on Hardcore Ladys send me a message saying what you would like to see!

I love to do it!

Thanks to all of you who are making my dream of working with drawing / art be real.

Thanks very much Patreons!




Yea finish, now I'm invested lol


Hey Danny! This comics is very old, but I always feel like doing it again. Moving to new house I will make more drawings by hand. I will have a dedicated place. I'm glad you like my hand made drawings too! it just motivates me more. Thank you! ❤️