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Since I will not be able to use Full HD sprites in the main game (it will be very heavy if I use,i rescale the sprites ), I decided to make a small minigame, very simple, but I believe it will be nice when finished.

This is still very early and has several bugs as you will see in the video. It will be a game for all Patreons, all tiers.  :o)

Open for ideas  o/

P.S: No have sound


Hardcore Ladys MiniGame Test v0.1 (fbb game)

Just a mini game using some sprites from HArdcore Ladys main game (Wip) ,this also need some bug corrections. have a lot,but is just the first release. www.patreon.com/hardcoreladys



I see a great future for this kind of minigame. Thank you for going that route. Fantastic potential.


I'm working hard to have something playable and nice. have a lotr of bugs but alredy can call V0.2 of game. Some News are: New Hemy Uppercut animation,Fierce punch (change Knee Smash),Lechoslawa do taunt ,Hemy Stun. In game but not working: Animations of win/lose :oD