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This week I did some sprites for the game and refined some more ideas that I will use.Look at some frames of animations from Hemy and Lechoslawa grabbing.

-->Lechoslawa will have lots of grabs to destroy your character!

-->Under specific conditions you will take the "Hardcore Climax", stronger blows that will devastate you completely!

-->If you are having a bad day..imagine if you have to face Lechoslawa ... the first mistake and you end up trapped in the middle of extremly muscular thighs, applying very painful holds and impossible to get out.If you take a "Hardcore Climax" the probability of defeat is almost 100%!

-->Hemy has a good arsenal of blows to overcome the challenges.

-->The amount of frames is good for soft animations. Notice the details that are animated, nothing has been forgotten and you can even see the hairs of the personages moving in several different parts!

All images are game sprites.




Hello! I just got here, and I have a suggestion regarding the game: please do not make the game a mash buttons game. Maybe a game of decisions, where we use a few keys to decide strategy, submissions etc. Like an RPG maybe.

hardcoreladys (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-28 22:44:10 <img src="https://c10.patreonusercontent.com/4/patreon-comment/eyJ3IjoxNjAwfQ%3D%3D/P_BQtD_2_Ncx9Au1-223HVyqCPL8YprJe0J3P9XsS9GnSiFY5fefqJhKPge6x1Q7.jpg?token-time=1683936000&token-hash=nmeKzd_rS20Zd_cS3yV4TS6i6mEaCSjVoC1Jvu5Fdak%3D"><br>Hello Sage2000 , welcome! For this first game will be a beat’up game. But I also like you idea and this is more easy to do. I thought of doing something like that, but I had some doubts and I preferred beat'up by already knowing how to do it. But this idea is super noted! Thank you!
2019-05-07 18:59:06 <img src="https://c10.patreonusercontent.com/4/patreon-comment/eyJ3IjoxNjAwfQ%3D%3D/P_BQtD_2_Ncx9Au1-223HVyqCPL8YprJe0J3P9XsS9GnSiFY5fefqJhKPge6x1Q7.jpg?token-time=1715990400&token-hash=DZipNPa6hpb4mFb626iVqUrwOHhAVgt1F0ALYzD-VcM%3D"><br>Hello Sage2000 , welcome! For this first game will be a beat’up game. But I also like you idea and this is more easy to do. I thought of doing something like that, but I had some doubts and I preferred beat'up by already knowing how to do it. But this idea is super noted! Thank you!

<img src="https://c10.patreonusercontent.com/4/patreon-comment/eyJ3IjoxNjAwfQ%3D%3D/P_BQtD_2_Ncx9Au1-223HVyqCPL8YprJe0J3P9XsS9GnSiFY5fefqJhKPge6x1Q7.jpg?token-time=1715990400&token-hash=DZipNPa6hpb4mFb626iVqUrwOHhAVgt1F0ALYzD-VcM%3D"><br>Hello Sage2000 , welcome! For this first game will be a beat’up game. But I also like you idea and this is more easy to do. I thought of doing something like that, but I had some doubts and I preferred beat'up by already knowing how to do it. But this idea is super noted! Thank you!


Welcome Sage2000! I thought of doing something like that, but I had some doubts and I preferred beat'up by already knowing how to do it. but this idea is super noted! Thank you!


No problem. “Beat them up” can work, it’s just really hard to get it done.


My favorite one is Dynamite Deka 2 (Dynamite Cop!). Jean Ivy character... omg, this girl uses fantastic submission moves and acrobatic kicks.


Here a small taste, since the gamer did not know how to use the huge powered-up submission sequences: <a href="https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=nzoK9vjA7a0" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=nzoK9vjA7a0</a> 6:32 7:32 9:46


Really it is not easy to do m Beat up, especially the catch part. Making enemies grab is a bit complicated. But the biggest difficulty at the moment is the quality of the sprites. I made them a Full HD, very details, but in the game it gets too heavy and also giants. I think I'm going to need to down the quality compressing. Next week I'm going to work harder in the game. This week I'm dedicating myself to the animation of Agnieszka in the bath and I also want to make a series of photos derived from this animation. Dynamite Deka is a very cool game, I played quite a lot the first version (Die hard Arcade). One question I have is what kind of character the players would like to control. It's only got Hemy controllable for now.


I understand. But like I said, consider simplifying things by making it more of a decision based game not button mashing.


About this kind of gameplay what is better: play with attacker ( in this case Lechoslawa) or defender (Hemylenne)?