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Hey guys ヾ(・ω・o) This is just a little info update. Starting from June I'm gonna change my rewards schedule and I wanted to let you all know that in advance.

Starting from June 2023 I'm gonna be releasing rewards bimonthly instead of monthly. I guess this will lead to several questions, and in this post I would like to try answer at least two of them (^ω^)

If after reading this you think "Why I should support creator who do not post exclusive rewards each month?" (which is totally fair, btw), then answer is actually pretty simple: "You shouldn't" (*^▽^)

And now to more serious question that you could've think of, and that is "Why are you making such change?". To put it short - I want to have time to work on projects that I'm excited about and are in backlog for a long time. Like "Pixel Paizuri" series, or finally finish "Eroge's Revenge 2" and start working on 3rd part. This list is actually insanely long, I will not post it here (〃∀〃)ゞ

But, the thing is, I spend most of my time on rewards only and often getting burned out just by trying to keep up with the schedule. Not even speaking about times when something unexpected happens, in which case my schedule quickly turns into a mess. Reducing amount of rewards roughly in half should give me plenty of extra time to continue work on my other projects. Technically I still will be working on my lewd projects same amount of time as before, I just want to move my focus towards bigger projects and older series. All those extra projects will be releasing when ready, outside of rewards releasing schedule, some publicly, some exclusively. So, I guess, you can consider them kind of rewards just without strict deadlines.

I will write down more detailed upcoming rewards schedule in estimated June releases post at the end of month. If you have some questions regarding this change, feel free to ask it in the comments or send me a DM ( ̄ω ̄)



Mr G

I love your stuff!, Really really good stuff, but please take some time for yourself and make it when you can, will suport you so long as i can!

Engorged Banana

I'm really glad you decided to make this change. I really only sub for your best work and even if that might mean fewer rewards, I'm still all for it


Your quality is already supreme! Things can get heavenly if you allow yourself as much time as you need. But for the love of god, please bill us this month! :))