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Hey guys! (*^▽^)/ As most of you already know I have two breaks per year according to my schedule, and 2nd one is in November. Those who already saw one, knows what that means. And here is the usual list of details for those who encounter it for the first time:

During November:

  • There will no be any posts from me (except December estimated releases plan at the end of month);
  • No charge period;
  • No update of Secret Creamy Stash link (just use one that you got in October).

Please remember that I still will be available during November, if you will need me for something (have a question or need me to resend you link for the content) feel free to reach out and send me a message (*ゝω・)ノ

I still have a lot of health issues, do not want to bother you with details, but just letting you know that I still need to handle it. Also I feel like I became more spread all over my projects lately, instead of being focused on 1-2 of them. I will use this break time to reconsider my priorities and adjust it a little bit. I'm also still working on delivering to you promises I made, and I will, just need a little bit more time(>﹏<)

Meantime thank you all for your incredible support! (シ_ _)シ Please stay safe & healthy and I will see you all again in December (●≧ω≦)9




Take care of yourself 😊 and stay safe 🙂


see you next month


Take a good rest^^


Have a nice rest. get well


Hope this break does you good!


Have a good rest, sir! What is more important than the golden egg is the life of the goose that laid it, that is, your health, sir!


See you next month