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Important reminder

According to my schedule I will have a break in November. So please keep in mind, this is last chance to participate in charge period and get access to Secret Creamy Stash before big pause. Next charge period will happen only in December.

And now to the list ( ̄▽ ̄)ノ

  • October Reward (probably will be continuation of Monster HMV series) (100%)
  • "Eroge's Revenge 2" final round (90%)
  • HMV "Digital Euphoria" (40%)
  • Blow Away Recall 2nd round (20%)

ER2 final round is still not 100%, I keep getting a lot unexpected health related situations lately, and I do not want to make promises that I couldn't keep.




should i stop support. or those this automatically pass?

Sayori Biggest Fan

Please take care of yourself during November! I hope your issues can be resolved