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Hey guys! (*^▽^)/So, as I announced before in this post, due to new schedule I will have two breaks each year. And here goes first one in May (`・ω・´) Below I will try to describe in details what does that mean to you ヾ(^-^)ノ (there are a lot of longtime supporters whos already aware of how this works)

During May:

  • There will no be any posts from me (except June estimated releases plan at the end of month);
  • No monthly quiz;
  • No charge period;
  • No update of Secret Creamy Stash link (just use one that you got in April).

What I will use this break for:

  • Manage with all my IRL stuff that requires my attention;
  • Catch up with some of my old (but still interesting) lewd projects;
  • Work on misc stuff (like story scenes/scripts, openings, concepts, etc.) Usually this stuff takes a lot of time, but do not leave anything interesting to present for you as a reward (´_`;)
  • Prepare new exciting announcements;
  • Also, simply catch my breath (〃∀〃)ゞ Overwork is not a good thing, in longterm it hurts not only myself but all my supporters, since my work capacity will suffer, and lately I noticed that I feel overburnt more and more often.

Minor but important notices (ノ ̄ω ̄)ノ

Please remember that I still will be available during May, if you will need me for something (have a question or need me to resend you link for the content) feel free to reach out and send me a message (*ゝω・)ノ 

Overall those breaks usually have very good effect on my creative workflow. When I returned from 1st one I created "Blow Away", and during 2nd one I created a concept for ASSimilation, let's see if I will have another insight during this one ヽ(ヅ)ノ There are a lot of interesting stuff upcoming: "Eroge's Revenge 2" is on finish line and getting closer to release, some new interesting announcements. Also we hit new milestone this month and I already started working on it, but didn't had a chance to make a post about, please wait for it untill June (*´ω`*)ノ

And I would like to take this opportunity and thank you all one more time for your incredible and generous support ԅ( ˘ω˘ԅ) Let's continue our journey in June, I will do my best in order to deliver new and exciting content ┗(`・ω・´)┛




Rest well, Meliodas. We love you


you're the best)) )don't let the fap hero genre die)


Really appreciate what you've done m8, rest well buddy!


appreciate you, enjoy your relaxation!