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This week:

  • Finished gathering samples for "Eroge's Revenge 2" 3rd round (finally!);
  • Most part of the week worked on HMV for 3rd round (you can read my thoughts on it below);
  • Worked a little on story scripts and scenes.

Music poll results (ノ ̄ω ̄)ノ

  • 3R2 - Mischievous Princess (33 votes) Final Score - 174 (8*15+3*18)
  • Hinkik - Outbreaker (8 votes) Final Score - 44 (8*4+3*4)
  • EnV - Pneumatic Tokyo (6 votes) Final Score - 28 (8*2+3*4)

You guys did it again... choosed most difficult song( ̄ー ̄)And this time with insane gap. I still will find application for 2 remain songs (i personally voted for Pneumatic Tokyo).

Next week:

This week I aim to finish and release ER2 3rd round. I was a little concerned since there are very little of animated scenes in Hadashi Shoujo games (they're all insane quality though), but after playing a little with HMV basis i think i am capable of delivering nice and entertaining round to you, guys. Rest of the week i'll spend on Labyrinth/Relapse/May Reward. (besides that next week i'm going to release "AssAssination Extreme" publicly, keep in mind that it will be moved to public vault)

Also in august comes out new Hadashi Shoujo game called "Princess Heart Link", and if it will have animated scenes i just WILL HAVE TO update 3rd round and include those scenes. I mean... just check out this gorgeous art samples! \(T∇T)/




Have you ever seen the animated scenes from 'Milkfactory's game? Huge breasts only, so i just thought maybe you could look up. '炎のおっぱい超エロ▼アプリ学園!', 'もっと!孕ませ!炎のおっぱい異世界エロ魔法学園!'


Of course i know about "Milk Factory" ex "Squeez" company. It's supposed to be ER2 round 4 or 5 (not sure which, i'm still updating overall composition). If you would look on "Eroge's Revenge 2" logo you would notice character from one of these games ( ̄∇ ̄)


I like the "art" of that new game xD Hope it has animated scenes too ;)