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From now on i would like to share my thoughts and ideas with you guys (including findings on monthly poll results). Not sure if these post will be monthly or time to time.

  • I clearly got the message that no one cares about wallpapers, so, poof... I will not spend time on that anymore unless you'll ask me to (* ̄▽ ̄)d
  • Also! From now on i will try always add a beatbar version of any HMV i will create in future. It will take additional time but think worth it;
  • I want to add goals to patreon page in august. These goals should represent my plans and ideas about new content and development of our community in long-term;
  • Basically in july i finished all Eroge's Revenge content regardless it will be released on august 5th ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ And i would like thank so much all of you, guys! Clearly without your support i would not be able to finish it. But also this project was great experience and i hope i will be able to improve my skills and creating procces based on it. Here are couple things that i would like to improve/try during next FH project:
I am 100% want to put much more research into beatbar creation process. I want to try more usual and nice looking designs as well as beat sounds;
During next project i want to start running polls about music choice at least for some rounds;
  • Speaking of next FH project. In august i will run first demonic poll in which Demonic Supporters will be able to choose next game out of 2 concepts i prepared (ï¿£^ï¿£)

Feel free to write a comment or send me DM if you would like to suggest something (≧▽≦)




Just wanted to let you know making a beat bar for every hmv you make may be the best idea anyone ever had


You just became one of my favorite creators, fucking love your stuff