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Hey guys! ヾ(・ω・o) As usual, according to my schedule, I will have a break in May.

For those who are new to my Patreon page - I have two breaks each year, one in May and one in November. And this post should explain what this break means for you, what I'm gonna do during that break and what I plan to do after my return. 

During May: 

  • There will no be any posts from me (only June estimated releases plan and postponed rewards: Oral Bliss 2 & April reward HMV);

  • No charge period;

  • No update of Secret Creamy Stash link (just use the same you got in April).

Please keep in mind that I still will be available during May, if you will need me for something (have a question or need me to resend you link for the content) feel free to reach out and send me a message (*ゝω・)ノ

This time my break is more of a technical thing, than vacation. I need to resolve a lot of IRL issues and catch up with release schedule. I also will think on next rewards during this break, so if you have some suggestions, feel free to post it in comments section or send it to me via personal messages. On my return I want to fully focus on finishing Eroge's Revenge 2.

And again, thank you all for your huge support! ♡ ~('▽^人) It means a lot to me and always will be my main motivation power source. 




Can I have the secret link stash? I don’t it’s fair for me to have paid already in April and wait another month for the link


I don't think it's fair to post such comments when you didn't pay anything and then send me pesonal messages. I always get a lot of such type messages each month and despite my efforts to explain everything in FAQ section it still keep happening. https://imgur.com/a/E8syKaC - here is your profile in members management page (I blurred you email and discord), you can see that you didn't pay anything, and you couldn't since you joined just 6 days ago and didn't catch any charge period. If you would pay and didn't have a link for some reason I would refund you money, but I can't even do that, since you didn't pay anything.