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  • January will add 4 new Pin-ups, but no new comic pages (To help me catch up)
  • Late content from December (3 pin-ups, 1 comic page) will also be done in January.
  • Fire Tier will get 1 super exclusive Aurora Pin-Up in January to make up for the slow months
  • Fire Tier will also get WIP channel on Discord to keep track of where I'm at with each piece

Where I'm at...

Hey guys, this has been a particularly slow month, and for good reason. In addition to the holiday season, and my part-time studies, I have begun a new full-time job. Why start a new job? Unfortunately Patreon just doesn't quite make enough money to pay the bills yet, especially in the last few months. As a result, I've been insanely busy. However, I don't feel ready to abandon or even slow down with Patreon yet...
But despite my ambition with Patreon, I'm going to need to take it easy in January to adjust to this new job, and catch up with December content. Read on to see what the plan is for Jan

The Plan for January...

As always, the content I promise will always be delivered on eventually! This means that the 3 late pin-ups and 1 late comic page from December will still be coming in January. However, I'm going to roll back my usual +4 pin-ups and +2 comic pages to just +4 pin-ups, and no new comic pages for January.  This means that only Fire Tier is affected.
Since there will be less content, feel free to drop down to the $5 Water Tier or even skip a month, all the content will still be here when you get back :)
(Don't forget to drop in your Pin-Up requests before the end of December)
However, those who choose to stay in Fire Tier this January will get a SUPER special NSFW thank you pin-up from Aurora! My way of making up for the slow couple months! There will also be a permanent addition to Fire Tier... (see below)
That's the plan. However, I will update you guys later in Jan to see how I'm going... ^_^

WIP Channel for Fire Tier!

Fire Tier members will now also have access to a WIP channel on Discord. This channel will be where I just drop screenshots of my work after each session of working on a piece. This way you will always see where I'm up to. This will be exclusive to Discord in an effort not to spam the Patreon. I will release this channel starting in January with some WIPs of past works already available!

Thanks for your Support!

It's been almost 3 years on Patreon, and I want to thank you all for giving me the opportunity to take breaks from working and focus on developing a skill that I love! It's been a longer journey than I expected... I'm not sure what the future of my Patreon, DA, and my art in general looks like, but I hope I will always get the chance to draw 
Thank you all for your support!


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