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so I've decided to transition my content. This will start in april. 

The "main pin-up" will be better than my regular pin-ups, but probably not the same as my current "Main Art" on patreon. It will be a way for my to experiment and create something new and different.

Rolling back on the paintings allows me to spend more time on comics. Comic pages are honestly a lot of work, and i plan on future comics to be in full colour with proper backgrounds. It takes time to plan the page out with text, and then illustrate each individual panel as if each panel is a separate artwork. Despite this, i should manage to get at least 2 comic pages out each month with my current lifestyle (with work and study etc) along with other art. With more patrons, i will have more freetime, and all extra free time will go into the comics!

The fortnite comic is going to be divided into parts. I'm doing this because i really want to change my style with the comic by adding colour and not using comic-sans font. This part 1 has about 4 more pages left. Then i will begin with part 2.

Hope you guys all like this new direction! :)

Still on its way in march:

- At least 1 more page of the fortnite comic

- Ciri main artwork, with NSFW, PSD, and Tutorial

- And maybe 1 or 2 more pinups



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