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Hey guys,

Apologies for the radio silence these past couple of days. To be totally honest I have not been feeling well at all and have just been taking it super easy.

I'm thankfully starting to feel much better now but I plan on still taking tomorrow off so I can come back on Monday fresh and ready to go. I'm sorry that that means no weekend content this weekend but everything that I have planned will just be pushed to next week instead and we'll continue as normal.

Hope every one is having a good weekend so far!

See you on Monday,

- Kaia



Yes. Take it easy. Don't strain yourself. Come back whenever you need to, we can wait. Hope you feel better soon. 😊


Definately see a doctor. Reoccurring energy depleting illnesses are usually signs of a serious illness. You should be throughly checked out. I hope for the best.


It's honestly not that deep, I just have IBS my dude. Even with a carefully managed diet, regular exercise and what not, flare ups happen. I'm very stress sensitive and just a tiny bit of extra stress can make it flare up. The only thing I can do in that situation is take a couple days to rest, eat plainly for a bit and move on. So while I appreciate the concern, there really isn't anything to be done from a doctor's standpoint. It's just something I am living with and dealing with. Honestly I'm just glad it's much more manageable than it used to be. If you think this is bad you should have seen me a few years ago lmao