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Hey all,

So first things first, just wanted to say thank you for your patience these last few days. I've spent the first half of this week filming a few videos that have now been scheduled and spread out to be posted over the next week (starting today)!

As I explained in a previous update, I'm going to be without wifi starting from tomorrow (Dec 7th) with our official moving date being Friday (Dec 8th). My wifi won't be fully back and set up until next Wednesday (Dec 13th) which is why I've set up a bunch of videos to post automatically while I'm away.

Here's a list of the content that's coming:

  • Melon Music Awards 2023 Stages (in 2 parts, posted separately)
  • November Requests (1 part)
  • October/November Content Catch Up (1 part)
  • 2023 Kpop Catch Up (MV Marathon - 2 parts)
  • Leniverse Ep.35

As a note, these are all shorter videos than I usually do. I've done smaller parts for marathons partly because this temporary set-up doesn't really allow me to do anything much longer than an hour (editing takes aaaages like this so shorter videos make it easier) and partly because I simply don't have a lot of time. I wanted to make sure I could give you guys at least 1 video per day that I'm gone (minus Sunday). I hope you'll understand :)

Anyway, the next time I sit down to film, it'll be in the new office with a (kind of) new set up and in a new house that isn't freezing cold and damp all the time. I legitimately cannot wait. I'm itching to get everything set up and jump back into work BUT I'm for sure gonna take advantage of the few days break to rest as well.

Regardless, I'll see you soon! Be good, stay safe, enjoy the content. I'll update the schedule when I get back.


- Kaia


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