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Hey fam,

So if you've seen my YouTube videos today then you'll already know this but last night I did something to my shoulder and neck in my sleep that left me in a whooooole lot of pain today.

I've done my best to push through best I can and I have both Kiss Of Life & Soojin's albums on the way to you but sitting for longer videos just wasn't possible today.

Now, it is getting a liiittle better between painkillers, hot water bottles and the like so I'm hoping that tomorrow it'll be easier to film but, just in case it's still bad, I wanted to ask for your understanding and patience for the next couple days.

I'm gonna try and limit the impact to content here as much as possible but I also need to be wary of aggravating anything and making it worse. Like I said, hopefully that won't be the case but I thought I'd give you all the heads up anyway!

So yeah, album listens on the way for tonight and hopefully back to normal-ish tomorrow (fingers crossed). Here's hoping I don't do anything stupid in my sleep tonight lmao

See you later!

- Kaia



Yep I did that to my shoulder last week while sleeping. Not sure how one can manage day debilitating injuries while not even being awake but I guess that's the aging process ffs. I took tylenol and used icy hot cream and that took the edge off. Pretty much slept propped up in one position with a pillow fort around me so I wouldn't move for the next two nights. Fun fun fun! Hope you feel better quickly.


Ugh, that's rough! Hope you can take it easy and get better soon. I just saw you yell because you'd moved your shoulder during the Agassy reaction... does not seem fun at all