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Hey guys,

So I've gotten a few messages and comments recently and it seems there's some confusion over the video hosting happening here so I figured I would just clear it all up in one go.

First things first: I did mention in the November schedule post that I would be starting to post via Vidyard moving forward but I understand it may have gotten lost in there and if you're new you may not know what that means so lemme clarify.

Vidyard is a video hosting platform (like gdrive, dropbox, vimeo etc.) that I have been using on and off for about a year. It is significantly nicer to use than Dropbox and much much cheaper than pretty much every other video hosting platform. I'm a big fan.

Now for much of this year I have been using Patreon's built-in video hosting to post videos and this has been going well BUT I only have 500 free hours to use and we still have no idea what prices for it will look like in the future. My 500 hours are pretty much all used up so I've moved back to Vidyard. This also makes moving Patreons much easier for me which is something I'm making good progress with behind the scenes.

Anyway, all this basically means is that for the past few days, you may be seeing something like this when you go to click on one of my videos:

This doesn't mean you can't watch the video. You just have to click the "watch video" button, it'll take you to Vidyard and you can watch as normal. If on the off chance Vidyard doesn't work for you then the only thing I can really suggest is maybe trying a different browser (I've personally used it in both Firefox & Chrome and it works perfectly). As far as I can tell Vidyard plays normally for the vast majority of people though so you should be fine.

So yeah, that's what's going on. In an ideal world, Vidyard would just perfectly embed to Patreon and you could watch it like you can with the in built video hosting ALAS we gotta make compromises with these things.

Anyway, hope that clears things up!

See you later,

- Kaia



Thank you for the information! I can watch them now. Awesome!


It's been showing 'no longer available' for me as well but I don't mind clicking through to watch videos. Plus patreon's own player overloads my cpu chrome load so I've had to use firefox exclusively for patreon anyway lmao. saves me the step of opening a different browser AND you don't need to pay more to host videos; sounds like a win-win to me