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Hey everyone,

Another month gone and we're just a couple months from the end of the year already... wat

Apologies for not being able to get to a couple of things on the October schedule. Coming back from break and then being ill really put a spanner in the works.

Anyway, the schedule for November and December will largely be the same as I continue in my journey to get a bunch of things finished be the end of the year. I'll still post individual schedules though for the sake of keeping track of album releases and whatnot!

But yeah shouldn't be any surprises here. As a reminder: I won't be adding anything new until the new year now so what you see here is what you can expect for the next couple months. Also, I'm not committing to any specific one-off variety episodes this month as I want to focus on everything else. If something comes up that I really really want to watch then I'll throw it in but otherwise, I'll be holding off until the new year before getting back to that.

Oh also also you'll notice that I start posting things via Vidyard moving forward. This is partially in preparation for the move to the new Patreon and also because I'm running out of my allotted free space here.

Okay, here's the schedule:

Weekend Content

Album Listens

*this list may grow as more releases are announced/confirmed throughout the month*

Priority Shows:

*I am currently in the process of moving house so these are the shows I am prioritising for now*

Other Ongoing Shows:

*while I am moving, these will be done on an "if/when I have time" basis but will be back in normal rotation once the move is done*

  • To Do TXT
  • BTS Bon Voyage S02
  • Cravity Park
  • SKZ Code
  • En O'Clock
  • Wanteez
  • Xikers Tricky House
  • Red Velvet Level Up Project S02
  • Monsta X-Ray 3
  • Treasure Map
  • Girl's Re:Verse

Other Reactions:

*unplanned reactions that pop up throughout the month*

And that's all for now! As always, please do not leave requests/suggestions on this post. I have very clear plans for the next couple months and want to focus on those so we can get the best possible start in the new year.

See you soon!

- Kaia




Yay! I also hope that even though you didn't get to it in October, I hope you can watch the EVNNE human idol theater sometime soon. Its really cute seeing them again.

Terry London

Hey i was just wondering when you will be catching up to leniverse? thanks :-)

ana ot4

So excited to watch your reaction to wayv's album


if you checking out live stages at end of month and checking Taemin - Guilty for some reason. This is his best stage. Man went in composed, and came out like he finished directing a damn symphony KBS https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TM1l-_-jLUg

Andy H

Hi would you consider reacting to B.I's new MV and Album? Thanks!

Wiebi 위비

On Wednesday (22.11.) Rocky will have his solo debut with his first mini album Rockyst 🩵 The title track is called Lucky🍀Rocky I hope you can give the album a little love 🥰 The highlight medley and the MV teasers are awesome 🙌

Tony Ngo

Hi Kaia, I have really been enjoying all the content that you have been putting out, but I will be honest, I am very disappointed that you did a review for Baby Monster MV for your YT channel. First, I have absolutely nothing against the members of Baby Monster. I am happy for them that they are chasing their dreams and my comments are not directed at them on a personnel level. My issue is with YG and the overall kpop community as a whole. The trend of debuting minors is getting out of control. Baby Monster has more minors than adults, that is very troubling. As a community if we do not stand up for these minors, their companies will not. These companies will continue to exploit minors for profit until we as a community stand up and do something about it. I am going to do my part and not watch or listen to any of their music. I was hoping that you would do the same.


I have talked about the age issue multiple times in various videos (BabyMonster, New Jeans etc) and I'm not going to reiterate everything I've said a dozen times already. What I will say is: 1. This is a complicated issue and not nearly as black and white as "if you watch a music video, you support the exploitation of minors" 2. If that is the position you want to take, you do you but don't expect every one to follow suit 3. In my personal opinion, not watching or listening to anything by a group does nothing to actually help the minors in said group. They've already debuted. They've already spent years (close to five years for some of the baemon members) training and finally get the chance to live their dream only for what? A bunch of people to ignore their efforts and talent under the guise of trying to protect them? Do you think that's actually gonna make a dent? Do you think YGE will suddenly be like y'know what this MV has only gotten 20+ million views in the first 24 hours let's un-debut them, crush their dreams, wait another four years until Chiquita's 18 and then try again? People are gonna watch. People are gonna listen. The harsh reality is that this industry (as with every other entertainment industry in the world) is going to debut minors regardless of what a (relative) minority says about it. Boycotting won't help. What does help is keeping the conversation going and encouraging positive changes in the *laws* that exist to protect them (an example being the bill that passed earlier this year to prevent minors working over a set amount of hours per day and week). That is where I believe the focus should be. Not in trying to deny a group of girls the chance to fulfill the dream they've been working towards for years. But like I said, this isn't a black and white issue. There's no one correct answer and we could probably go back and forth on our respective stances on it for hours. Frankly tho I don't have the energy for that and have a million and one things I'd rather be doing so I'm gonna chill in my lane, doing my thing. I recommend you do the same. And if you're that disappointed in me and my stance on things, feel free to no longer support me here. It's up to you bud