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*Please read before watching*

Okay so I ran into an issue about 2 mins before the end of the reaction where an error popped up and the file for this got corrupted. Entirely my own fault - I wasn't monitoring my pc's memory as closely as I usually am - but thankfully this time I have been able to recover the file. HOWEVER it isn't perfect. You'll notice that the first 4-5 seconds is what I'm now calling demon Kaia (and will likely pop up in my nightmares tonight) but that's only for those first few seconds. You may also notice some moments where the audio cuts out for a split second. This is where I've had to manually re-sync the audio in certain places. It's still not perfect but I'm just glad I've managed to salvage it to this degree!

Regardless it was an excellent episode and I hope any issues are not too bothersome for you guys :)


- Kaia




Don't worry, we Alphaz have watched this series hundreds of times, so we have memorized every second of it, as long as your face and reaction are visible, everything is fine, LOL. You did a great job tho.


Glad you were able to salvage the file. Thanks for this! Enjoyed rewatching (though i got a little emotional again haha) this with you!