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Hey guys,

I swear I can't make this shit up. Of course the week I come back off break I get sick. Of course that's what happened lmao.

So yeah, I have a cold. I shouldn't be too surprised given that my mum has been super sick this week and I spend a lot of time with her but still I was slightly hoping it would leave me be. Alas, here we are and my throat feels torn up, my body wants nothing but to be horizontal and we won't even mention my sinuses.

Safe to say I'm gonna be out of action for a couple days. Super frustrating I know but going by my mum's experience this should burn through pretty quickly, it's just gonna be rough for a couple days. All going well, should be back and good to go by Monday/Tuesday. 

Look after yourselves! This changing of seasons is prime cold catching time (for those of us northern hemisphere folk anyway) so make sure to eat well, stay warm and wear your masks if you can!

See you in a few days,

- Kaia

p.s. this shouldn't affect anything in the schedule, I just need to re-arrange some things on my end. Everything that's listed in the pinned post is still good to go :)


Alistair McLennan

Oof! Hope you're feeling better soon! See you when you're ready to come back.


Please stay safe and have some good rest. No worries!