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Okay so I obviously explain in more detail my reason for doing this but the cliffs notes version is essentially: I don't want to spend hours of my life watching a show that, aside from the performances, I don't enjoy.

Also I decided to do this instead of a Girl's Re:Verse episode this week as the finale is coming up. I'm note sure what my plan is for the finale exactly but I'll figure it out when we get there. We'll continue on with GR from next week :)


- Kaia

ps. as said at the end, feel free to rant and chat about the show so far but please keep it respectful to each other, me & especially the contestants




I literally did the same thing as you, I just didn’t feel like the energy the show gave me was good. That’s nothing against the girls either they’re going to be an amazing group when they debut. It just didn’t feel uplifting like other survival shows do


to answer your questions: there is indeed 10 episodes which means next week the finale is on sept 1st. The livestreams are subbed but you can't really pause because the livestream ends immediately after the episode and gets deleted or whatever


As for the rant part, both Jihyun and Chanelle got eliminated last episode (Jihyun being my one pick) and i have never been this baffled by any result on a survival show ever. It was kinda obvious since a few episodes back that they were trying to get rid of both of them as they loved Chanelle in the first few episodes and then suddenly turned on her and began to evil edit her. As for Jihyun, they completely ignored and erased her from the show, she apparently received compliments from the judges but they were cut from episodes so they wouldn't comment on her at all or had something negative to say, she had laryngitis during her idc stage and was further beaten down by the judges by saying she looked awkward and one of the judges even questioned if the fans would still love her if she didn't look confident (thankfully the audience came to her defense), in the rare case she got screentime they tried to evil edit her as well. They were both really loved and talented so people are extremely frustrated and all official RU Next accounts have lost a great amount of followers i think the TikTok account has lost more than 20k by now and is still losing followers


I think they lost around 35k+ followers as of now?


One thing I’ve realized is that it is not beneficial at all for the big 4 to do survival at all if they want more pre debut exposure it makes so much more sense to do documentary like le sserafim/xg or do what they did for BABYMONSTER because as much as I hate Mnet the shows benefits for trainees from small companies out weighs the evil editing


fun fact just for you to maybe see how rigged this show is, both chanelle and jihyun got 300 points less than everyone else (from the judges) in episode 9, which is a HUGE difference and something that was def not deserved and something that ultimately made them get eliminated, or at least chanelle. they started scoring jihyun lower and lower since like 2 episodes ago but for chanelle they tried evil editing her and when they saw that didn't work and only made people vote for her more, i guess they just had to find something else. both of their eliminations were undeserved and i hope they get to debut soon and prove belift that they lost 2 big gems. also jiwoo was ranked 3rd lowest by the judges so it just feels....weird? they keep targeting specific people they probably dont want in the lineup :(


I maybe a minority here but I think Chanelle really doom her chance herself when she was unsatisfied with her song choices IN FRONT OF the judges including special judges like Shin Kung (Enhypen’s singer/songwriter). I don’t think this is evil editing at all. In fact, Chanelle just handed those materials herself to PD for these moments. It seems like after that point on, the company decided to cut her from potential line-up and thus an edit and the score we saw in the end. But I agree with most people that the show is so boring and very uninspiring, the performances were too edited especially the vocal part, and judges comments are getting cut a lot to fit narrative in certain aspects.

Chad Williams

fine with me the show isnt great respectfully im honestly done with these shows cuz of evil edits like i understand people arent always gonna be great and idol like cuz theyre human so sometimes the editing is real but its every show at the moment they go over the top with evil editing and someone they dont like has to get ruined for it its annoying i dont even watch them anymore plus i am annoyed with all the groups hybe are putting out like let us enjoy newjeans ssera enhy etc they clearly never heard of quality over quantity thats why even though companies like sm and jyp yg have had droughts over the years they still remain relevant cuz they focus on their current groups instead of pumping out stuff constantly which will inevitably downgrade quality jyp is going through that issue now with the too many ggs and xikers now and the american thing nobody wants


Shows like this fuel toxic fans in kpop. They want rage views, rage comments, and engagements. If people are making it a topic of discussion, they can market it to advertisers. Kpop fans under 22, usually fall into this trap and they don't even know it. In certain cases, the companies send people to these shows with an agreement that their trainees will not make the final line up, so often times things are not going to turn out the way fans believe they could. So what looks to most like evil editing isn't actually evil they give them scripted things to say and they film them to edit in a way that will lead to a desired result. Because they were never going to be allowed to be in the final lineup. People fall for it.


What’s everyone’s final line up before the last episode? 1. Youngseo 2. Jiwoo 3. Jeemin 4. Iroha 5. Yunah 6. Himena


so glad you fell for funa, she's been my one pick since day one, followed by hyewon and yuisa. like if theres anyone i NEED to debut its funa, and well my ults tripleS are hiring and she fits the criteria lmaoo.. anyway yeah i think it was a good choice to just watch the performances lol. i think himena is great too, actually something about her reminds me of ruann

Matt Evans

I fully support your decision to not watch through the rest of the episodes. I stopped watching the show after episode 5 where they announced the full trainee rankings 1-18 in front of a live audience. That is just so humiliating for the bottom trainees. I felt so bad for them. I personally really like Wonhee and I love seeing how much she has grown as a performer since the show started, but it feels like they are trying to astroturf her into the group and idk why. Imagine how amazing she would be upon debut with just one full year of training. I also feel like Wonhee doesn't super fit the vibe of the other top trainees that are likely to debut. I hope she does debut eventually and she will probably be my bias in that group, but I kind of hope it isn't this group. As for Chanelle, I kind of feel like at the beginning of the show, they were trying to push Chanelle and it worked on the global audience, but the Korean audience didn't take to her at all. In the aforementioned full trainee rankings we saw how many votes each trainee got from Korean audiences and global audiences and Chanelle was literally #1 for global and last place for Korean audiences. I think at that point the show decided that someone who Korean audiences don't like shouldn't be in the final lineup. I was devastated when I found out that Chanelle was eliminated. On the subject of one-picks making group final lineups, I am absolutely counting Queendom Puzzle because after the Chanelle debacle, I have lost all hope that my one-pick from a trainee survival show will ever make the final lineup. First Su Ruiqi, then Jay, and now Chanelle. It's too much. So I'm taking the W on Yuki being a member of EL7ZUP. lol The whole R U Next experience has been rather negative, and I hope that it doesn't negatively affect the girls that actually debut from it. Whoever debuts worked so hard and finally had their dreams come true and I'd hate for them to receive a bunch of hate because the show that created the group was bad. I know I will not be actively giving hate to the group because sending hate to any group is not something anyone should do, but I am afraid that I will have a hard time giving the group a chance because of how much R U Next left a negative impression on me. I have to say, I am very excited to get back to the bonkers fun energy of Girls Re:Verse next week!


The decision to not continue the episodes is definitely the right choice on your part. I have watched the whole season and it certainly does get worse. The girls on this show are really talented but the show overall is quite a mess in its format. I think some of the random variety and behind the scenes content on the HYBE Labels+ YouTube actually does a way better job of showcasing the girls and their charms than the show itself. Aside from the stages themselves, the show’s a little lifeless. While the episodes aren’t that long, you definitely saved yourself double digit hours of time to rest or allocate to other things you enjoy so I’m happy for you for that.


When it comes to Jihyun and Chanelle being eliminated, I feel like they had the worst situation happen to them. Himena, moka, jeongeun, and Jihyun were likely to be eliminated if they didn’t win and get a good judges score, and then they did. Moka and jeongeun won and got a benefit, and moka was the best in her team so she got an extra benefit. The judges picked himena as the best in her team so she had a high judges score, so she got pushed up. Chanelle got pushed down by those 3 and the judges not liking her performance, and Jihyun was just unstable during her eleven performance which caused her score to go down too, which solidified her elimination.


regarding your comment on the show having to actually show the viewers chanelle's alleged "bad vocals", they actually cut back to her performance after the judges' critique and even then the vocals sounded super stable to me? like even if they were to edit the vocals during the full performance for whatever reason, it would only make sense to then at least show the "off-pitch" singing when they clip it for the demonstration??? anyways... I totally understand why you don't wanna watch the show, this was the first episode I watched as it aired and actually also the first episode I watched in full by myself (besides your reactions.. I just couldn't bring myself to suffer through the show alone usually), and I had just started voting for chanelle (and jiwoo) for this last round as I had been following the performances on youtube and just couldn't imagine the group without her... well joke's on me, just as I started to get semi-invested she gets eliminated


I found this show very very very biased lol, not juet in chanelle's case, It actually started from Moa, In my opinion The judges in this hsow have a type that is cute, aegyoo kinda girls or they may already have a concept and lineup actually ready and this showw is just to help those girls get some attention..... It is frustating to see how they play favourutism and give some trainee backing vocals, more screentime and such.... Like this week's Chanelle's performance was not bad at all........ But I already knew they wanted to eliminate Chanelle from last 3 weeks the way they were projecting her and trying their best to destroy her image as she is a fan fav.... That girl was in top 6 in global votes but Judges found her off key while I personally have watched her performance plenty times to actually trying to find her singing off key but couldnt find it.... while trainees like himena, Wonhee who are still rocking with their backing tracks lol..... Like no hate to other girls or so but this show is the prime example of fovouritim and already has pissed off so many people... I am personally done watching this hahah.............

Terry London

apparently these girls that are eliminated were removed from hybes trainee list


AM i the only one who thinks, It was good the Chanelle actually voiced her opinion for a change... Like we know how the editing works, But I really think this time it was desperate push of the show to take Chanelle off.. And it was being done after the voting results, Chanelle was 1 throigh global but kinda last in korean votes... Before that judges gave Chanele nice remarks... but after that they kinda started ignoring Chanelle, The onlkt time they include chanelle was when she was frowning and such and also I really watched the last week's OG singer's stage as the concept was dreamy... Chanelle actually was the only one who protrayed that concept in that performce. and this week with pride... She did good so the judges gave everyone compliment except for Chanelle... like they talked about rest of the gilrs but not her... But with Eleven... I have watched this perofromance several time but I couldn't find the off key singing like they were pointing while the som,e other trainees were singing off key every now and then.... I agree Chanelle might have given those moments to PD but Did She deserved to get the lowest point..... NO...... This show prolly already has a lione up set up and they are just deliberately trying to get into that line up by cutting everyone out

Lance Ma

uh I think how they weight the scores between audience and the judges tell you how this show going to go, I don't understand the global audience's reaction to their votes don't just decide all outcome, like didn't they read the fine print going into the show? People bag on Mnet but there is a reason they can run show like this, because they know how to create a flow to the show, there was no flow to the show, it almost feels like they didn't think of the structure of the show when they created it. That is 100% the show runners' fault, feels like they are newbie to the survival show game. Now I do think there is personal judgement involve on the Judges when they give the scores, but that's how every company does it when they decide which trainee can go through and which does not. Is all subjective, so no just because your favs didn't go through didn't mean the universe conspire to killed her off, it means there is a lot of people making subjective decision on what they think an idol should have, and luck has a lot to do with it. Now if these shows relied 100% audience vote, then you can bet there is certain producer decision on editing is 100% legit to call them out on rigging. For this one, the Judges has nothing to gain on who get in or get out of the group, they are just there to get pay and give their own opinions. You can totally disagree with their decision, but they are not doing it in a dishonest way, all they did is think differently than you. Just like any auditions or job interview, you not getting it means most of the time has nothing to do with you or skill, there is no rhythm or reason on what they looking for since we are dealing with different people with different value here, and fairness got nothing to do with anything. Popularity online is screwing with how people perceive who deserves what, the cold hard truth is deserve got nothing to do with it, those of you that work in any field know exactly what I am talking about. Once the group debut and has success in couple years, all of these will be just memories, the I land final lineup was not a happy agreement by everyone when it was announced, we all see how that went.

Peter Yuen

I also agree that the previous episode cost her, the attitude and facial espression towards the judge, also she said loudly that she wants to be eliminated, just like Iris did. So i`m not sure why people are complaining, did we not all watch the same show.


A bit late to the discussion but I will had my grain of salt her. I watch this show with a friend of mine and right from the start, from the first episode we gor the same fealing from it, we felt uneasy at some of the coach behavior and how the process was handled. But nothing to catastrophic per say so we keeply forget about it. But when we arrived at the episode centered about Iris, we really felt hurt so much for her. Mind you, yes it's a Survival Show, yes it's hard blah blah blah. But Iris IS just a 15 years old girl coming from another country, she fell short in term of capability compared to other contestant, but you could see during those episode, those episode that it wasn't just a mental breakdown she was having, you could see the girl was suffering inside, her mental wasn't just shaterred, it was sinking deeper and deeper and YET they use that as screentime ? I felt so baffled from it, like how could you film a child having psychological issue like it was nothing ? And they didn't just stopped here, they did again with Chanelle couple episodes later ? This show, from my perspective and my own experiences, feel rotten to the core, something didn't deserved to be filmed for the sake of the contestants but also for the viewers themselves. And don't get me started with the coaches, somethings are just plain favoritism and aren't making since the episode 2 and it's hard to be oblivious about it, since they just spread it all over our faces. In the end, I think you made the right choice to just look for the performances, all this contestants are REALLY talented and they really deserve a lot of love and support for coming on this Survival, be it those who are still here or even Yuisa who was eliminited right at the begining. After EVERY single episode I feel frustrated, some of the late eliminitation made litteraly no sense at all, especially knowing it's from the coachs and the jury. Chanelle sounded EXACTLY like Wonyoung on Eleven and I can't even comprehend what they were talking about for the whole performance, it felt literally on point Jihyun while not being the most flashing contestant always mesmerized me during performances, yet it felt like she was lacking every single one of the performances she did if you listen to the coachs Funa is like an angel with burned wings, she didn't had any screentime, and when she finally starting to have some, when people start seeing her and how her potential and ability was hidden behind her screen time... After being PRAISED by the coachs she was eliminated. Hyewon, Moa, Ruka,... A lot of this show is a complete non sense to me. I will look to the final episode with no feeling and attachment to it, just to see what the whole line-up was supposed to be from the beginning. And I hope all the girl will heal and/or not suffer to much from this whole situation. Anyway thank you for your honest reaction and feeling about it, and I hope my own feeling aren't to much out of place ! <3