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Apparently I was feeling a lil bit spicy in this one. Fair warning: aside from enjoying the HELL out of the performances I get a little bit uhhh... frustrated watching this one lmao


- Kaia



Matt Evans

You are not alone. This episode had me pretty heated. The result of the Given-Taken battle had me flabbergasted. I don't understand why the coaches seem to completely despise Ena and everything she does. They always give her terrible scores even if she gives a pretty good performance. They also don't seem to understand that Jiwoo is amazing. There are only two logical explanations for the outcome for that matchup: the coaches are bad at this, or they accidentally mixed up Ena and Iris's scores lol That would make everything make way more sense. One specific gripe I have with the coaches is that even though all the trainees are girls, the coaches are almost all men. I feel like there should be more women coaches than men coaches or at the very least an even split. Girls Planet and Boys Planet both made sure to have a mix of men and women coaches that favored women for Girls Planet and favored men for Boys Planet. I also agree that the show feels kinda cruel in general, but especially with only eliminating Yuisa. Also, idk if I've ever seen a trainee get so thoroughly shafted as Yuisa did here. One of the members for her opening performance got sick so they just didn't even show us her opening performance, and then she went straight from mid-level to eliminated with literally zero explanation. I had the same thoughts when they announced the heel choreo. Why are we forcing all these minors to do heel choreo? Dream of You is a good song, but there's just no way we should be having minors perform it. Poor Wonhee and Haseul. Another thing about this show, but this episode in particular is that it doesn't focus on the positive enough. It's just a really negative show. We never really see the girls bonding or being friends. We see them roast each other, but if we don't see their friendship it just makes them look like a bunch of bullies. We see them crying during Yuisa's elimination, but they never showed us why they would be crying about it. An elimination is sad, but these girls aren't going to be crying if they don't love each other. It would be nice to see that love. There are so many things you could complain about with this show lol I'm pretty much only still watching it because if Chanelle debuts, she will immediately move into the list of my top 10 favorite idols. I love her so much. Thank you for the reminder that life's to short to be angry at a tv show lol This show tests me often.


You're right, this definitely feels cruel to me as well. I have never once cried in a survival show elimination, not for any of the produce/planet series but this felt... intense. I had no attachment to Yuisa, in fact, I knew next to nothing about her but I firmly believe she did not deserve to be the only one eliminated and I did end up shedding tears because my god, that poor girl. If there were a few others eliminated, sure I could probably understand it. But shes good performer, maybe not excellent from what we got to see, but good. I hope this doesn't discourage her too much and we get to see more from her someday.