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Well enjoyed the first part but mnet... did you really have to spend 30 minutes just recapping the season? Was there nothing else to be done? Come on my dudes. Anyway, pumped for the semi-final performances next week and we're one step closer to finally finding out who's gonna end up in this group so... lesgooooo


- Kaia



Matt Evans

I'm so happy we got Yuki, Fye, and Chaerin's participation in the dance battle! I love all three of them so much! Imagine if they had actually let the audience see that Chaerin is crazy and funny and a hottie before she was eliminated 🙃 The second half of this episode was certainly very filler even for a filler episode. I definitely watched it majorly sped up. I'm glad Zoa and Jiwoo gave it at least a little bit of flavor, but it would've been nice to get more than that. It looks like we might not have any Cherry Bullet members make the finale, which makes me very sad. I wanted Bora to make the final lineup so badly and now I'm just wishing she makes the finale at all. But 4 of my top 7 are in the current top 7 so I can't complain too much. And Yeonhee is an honorary member of my top 7 so I'm doing quite well. I'm so proud of the Plorys pulling through for Yuki so far!


I get what you're coming from but I kinda disagree that Kei really outshined Bora in any way that isn't related to editing or just the performances they even got the opportunities to do and the positions within them, and Kei almost definitely has at a least a little larger fanbase (and certainly a more stable one.) Even discounting edits, there was no real way any vocal in a song like DTNA was going to get to shine like on a ballad duet, for example. I also feel it's easy to downplay the editing and want to think people should be smarter than that, but it has definitely had a real and lasting impact. I know you don't watch the lives, of course, but it is only in the past two weeks or so that Youtube chat has stopped being a wall of "bora snake" every time she's on screen and that people have stopped having to try to flood negative comments down from the tops on her fancams or IG posts. Jiwon feels like she's on Fromm trying to clarify misunderstandings the nights after most episodes. People bitch about Mnet editing, and then still people immediately fall for it and you can see it all over Knetz comments or on twitter, Jiwon and Bora got eviscerated in the weeks following the pick/drop thing over perceived slights for picking x over y. I still just had to recently mute/block crap on twitter over people still mad about the I Do _preview_ where they made it look like Bora was going to be fighting Jihan over Main Vocal. I dunno, I'm disappointed, but not surprised. Bora/general Chebul support has been fleeting in every show they've ever been on, even with them getting nice coverage. I didn't mean this to be so long and ranty, but it sucks that basically everyone I started watching the show for is gone, or is about to be gone (almost, Yeonhee is my consolation prize if she doesn't tank somehow.) I knew they wouldn't win, but I still can't help but _want_ them to, y'know?


They did an absolutely terrible job of promoting it, but the quiz game that they played at the beginning will be released on Youtube in two parts on the 4th and 7th if you want to make plans to fit that in at any point. I have no idea why they didn't make that game this entire episode though instead of having the girls just wander around the building.


What is the point of the hate? What did she ever do? Other than help your apparent favorite on GP when Yujin wanted to push herself vocally? Is the edit comment supposed to be less shitty? Edit To clarify in case you think I'm knocking Kei, I'm not. But I think it's hard to say she outshined Bora in the solo performances that Bora cleanly won, they shined equally beautifully together in their duet, and I don't feel like the other rounds are particularly comparable because of the songs and roles they got put with. I like Kei, I'll still be happy for her if she makes the group. I completely respect Kaia's opinion, I just don't personally agree that Kei has gone above Bora in a way that isn't related to editing and format.