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Hey everyone,

Hope you've all had a good week so far!

First things first, I wanted to just check in and see how you guys were feeling so far regarding the new scheduling system?

Personally it's been working out great for me so far. I'm much less stressed and feel less pressured knowing I have some more breathing room with everything. Also the satisfaction of linking everything to the schedule list as I go is like a mini serotonin boost each time. But yeah, let me know how you're finding it so far!

Second, just a quick thing regarding this weekend's content. Don't worry, Twenty Five Twenty One & the remaining June Requests are still coming but this week's Re/Discovery episode is being moved to next weekend instead. I mentioned it on the poll I just posted but I'll say it again here: I've decided to move Re/Discovery episodes to every other week instead of trying to do it every week. This gives me a little more time and flexibility on the off weeks if I need to catch up on some other things. Speaking of...

... I'm gonna try and get to Ep.2 of Camp Zerobaseone over the weekend but please understand that they are loooong episodes so it's a bit difficult sometimes fitting them in with other long form shows. We'll get it done this month regardless and god am I excited for the album!

Third and finally, I've had various comments and questions regarding Hybe's new survival 'R U Next?' so I figured I'd just set the record straight here.

Basically, I do want to watch and react to it. However, as you'll know if you've been here a bit, I'm actively working to reduce my current watch list and am avoiding adding too many new things. The last thing I want is for another show to get stuck on the "I'll finish it eventually" list and leave people disappointed (again).

So, I will be reacting to it but at the *very earliest* it'll be next month though more likely it won't be until September as I do still want to go back and continue with Girls Re:Verse as well. I'll see how it goes tbh cause I am quite impatient to watch it but I'm trying to be responsible lmao.

Anyway, that's all from me for now. I don't have any content for today unfortunately (I had to spend a fair bit of time today helping my mum out) but I'll see you tomorrow for stuff and things!

Have a great weekend!

- Kaia


Sandra l.

I like the new schedule format, especially seeing it getting filled up :) 100% satisfying


Isn't it though?! Might actually my favorite thing about it and it's incredibly motivating lmao


Been super satisfied with the schedule and rate of uploads here! Definitely agree that adding Hybes current survival show is too much for now. The amount of survival shows in the last year have been staggering honestly. Ive barely caught any of them


I didn't realize you did something new with your scheduling system. But I notized that I really enjoyed your content this month a lot. So whatever you did, it worked for me!


Not sure how spoiled you were for Reverse but that show is still one of the most unhinged and amazingly scuffed things to happen this year. Have a good weekend! The schedule do be working for you and us, so all good! Thanks for the transparency as always!