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Okay hi guys,

First off, I wanna thank you all for your comments on my post yesterday. It was super helpful to get the various bits of feedback and it's really renewed my ambition and determination to work hard.

Following on from that discussion, I come bearing a new attempt at a ~schedule~ of sorts for July.

I am not setting specific days or times or number of episodes for any of this content (except Saturday content which you'll see below) as I've learned that that just puts unnecessary pressure on myself. So, what you see here are things that will be done at some point across July (and starting from this week).

*As we go through and I upload each of these reactions, I'll link them on this list so we can all keep track of what's been done and what's on the way!*

Everything is categorised by content style so you should easily be able to see what's what. With that said, here's what will be happening on Patreon in July!

Saturday Content


Category 1 Shows

*these are shows that (mostly) have a smaller amount/limited run of episodes and I will do them more regularly*

Category 2 Shows

*these are shows that have a lot of episodes for me to get through so I'm approaching them differently to the above for now i.e. they will have 1 marathon of episodes per month (with a couple exceptions)*

One-Off Variety

Other Reactions:

And that's it! It may seem like quite a lot when written out like this but trust me when it's spread across the month, it's not that much and in fact it's pretty conservative for me lmao. Also, as many of the category 1 shows only have 1 or 2 episodes left, it'll be fairly easy for me to move through them.

I hope this helps those of you that were concerned about not knowing what content may or may not come each given month. It'll certainly be useful to me by holding me accountable as I continue to improve my consistency without the added weight of a specific day for each thing.

That being said, please don't leave requests for other things on this post. My list is long and chances are something that you want to see is already on there. We'll get to it in due time and the last thing I need is added pressure!

Also, for the one-off variety content, I will eventually bring back polls for that stuff each month but for the time being I wanna focus on the things that have been sitting on my list for far too long.

Okay, that's enough talk from me. I'll see you later!

- Kaia



Louis Butler

Sounds good, I don’t know if I missed it or not but I didn’t see fearless kkura is that going to happen later on?


I like this plan and happy you are happy with it! Just wondering if Going Seventeen is on a break or something you won't be doing any more as I didn't see it on the list. Either way is fine hysy curious! Thank you! And excited for you to feel reinvigorated ❤️


Love that we’re getting Gfriend content! Buddies assemble!


I wanna finish up 1N2D with the fimmies first. We'll get back to Fearless kkura in time

Sandra l.

Really excited for haewon on lee mujin :) also potentially babymonster!


Looking forward to all this content, thank you ♡ Do you know which TXT idol human theatre you are planning on watching?


It'll be the most recent one! I will probably get to older episodes eventually but for now I just wanna get through more recent things :)


awesome! the recent ones are my favs anyway so very much looking forward to it


Love this loose kind of schedule. No hard deadlines while still feeling assured that there'll be things for me to check up on. Great job!


MISAMO album, Time To Twice and idol human theater all in the same month would be a dream. I'm also really enjoying HyeMiLeeYeChaePa right now. Hopefully the new plan works well for you.


Somehow it feels so satisfied to see each of these get crossed off/filled over the month! Thanks for the great content and please don't pressure yourself too much :)