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Hey fam,

Anyone else ever find that if their normal routine gets interrupted even just a little bit, that it throws everything off for the rest of the week? Well, that's what I've got going atm. 

Last night I went to a gig to see my dad perform. It was a great time and I'm very glad I went but being out for the a whole evening, getting back late and being super tired today has thrown off my whole routine and ya boi cannot focus today. If you can't tell, I don't go out much lmao

All this basically means that content might be a lil all over the place this weekend. Ima get what I can done when I can but whatever I can't get to will just get rescheduled to next week :)

This is a short list of what I would love to get done if possible but I'm definitely not gonna promise to get it all done:

  • Twenty Five Twenty One
  • June Requests Part 2
  • Starship x Game Caterers
  • Camp Zerobaseone Ep.01
  • Monsta X-Ray 3 Ep.02
  • Fromis_9 The 100

I've already decided to postpone the EXO re/discovery part 2 which is why it's not on the list.

2521 & the requests are gonna be my priorities for the weekend but I reaaaally wanna get to at least some of the other bits as well if I can but I'm obviously not gonna exhaust myself. 

But yeah so some stuff might be tomorrow, some might be Sunday or it all might come one day or the other. Idk how the weekend is gonna go I'm just gonna take it one step at a time.

I have at least 1 video for you later today but gonna be honest the H1-Key marathon I did for YT got me fucked up so we'll see if I can get through the brainrot for anything more today lmao

Anyway, hope you all have a great weekend!

- Kaia



Kaia are you planning to get into Kiss Of Life on youtube those solo mvs of each of the member? You wont regret it trust.