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So to start things off I wanted to just say thank you to those of you that left comments on my post the other day. I didn't realise how much I needed that extra bit of reassurance and I really appreciate every kind word. Thank you.

Now, I've spent much of the past couple days mulling things over, trying to figure out how to best dig myself out of this slump I'm in and start moving through all this content rather than running away from it. And, after much thinking, I do now have a plan in place.

I'm not gonna share the details of said plan (at least not right now) as I don't want to pile on the pressure of trying to keep promises that I may not be able to. The only thing you guys really need to know is that there's a loose plan in place and it largely involves me really making moves to chip away at the very long list of shows I've started and still not finished so I can make that list smaller.

Just coming up with some kind of plan has got me feeling very excited and motivated and after the kind words from the other day, I'm feeling ready to properly dive in again.

Anyway, just wanted to give you all that little update. If things go according to plan these next couple months, it should see me get back to a really good place with content where I'm feeling productive but not overwhelmed. Fingers crossed!

I have the next instalment of Starship x Game Caterers on the way for this evening but there should be plenty of other content coming the rest of the week - stay tuned :)

Thanks again,

- Kaia


Larissa Waghorn

Just do what you think you can, we will wait 💜


Thanks to you for always updating us! I'm happy that you're doing alright and I hope you don't put too much pressure on your shoulders because you're doing all good! (Easy thing to say but harder thing to do tbh)! Take your time and take care, and as a wise man said: don't worry, be happy! (Yeah Joohoney is in my mind this last few weeks...♡) x♡

Shaina EXO-L

Thank you so much Kaia ❤️ I will always be happy to support you, content or not! Wishing you all the best as always!


Thank you so much! Thanks for the transparency and can’t wait!