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Hey guys,

I know - me again. Sorry you guys have gotten so many posts like this the last few days!

Anyway, while the last of the April requests are uploading, I wanted to just give you all a quick run down of what's been going on recently and why things are a bit... all over the place here.

First of all, just to let you know, I was unable to film Twenty Five Twenty One today. Honestly, I'm genuinely bummed bc I was really looking forward to it but alas, life (as explained below).

Okay so obviously I had the tech issue a couple days ago and that completely threw off my whole weekend. Thankfully, that's all resolved now and tbh it probably wouldn't have affected me that much if it weren't for the fact that I've been on solo puppy duty this weekend and I'm exhausted.

Anyway, that's only an explanation for this weekend. Things have been kind of messy here on the Patreon for some time now and I wanna explain why (or at least why I *think* it is).

So, as you should know, I moved house in the later half off March. This was partially a matter of convenience and partially a necessity. Since the new year, I've had an ongoing struggle with an anxiety issue that largely surrounds food/eating and my health (hypochondria and emetophobia both suck btw). Moving here, being with my mum again and not isolated like I was has helped hugely and I can happily say that other than a couple of tiiiiiny wobbles, I'm now doing really well mentally and physically, I'm eating normally again and overall feeling good.

But yeah, I moved. My mum and I have moved in together into a new place and it's amazing, we're both so happy here. And we have a puppy! He's 3 and a half months old now and doing great but he's obviously a lot of work even with the two of us.

So this brings me to the explanation:

Since moving, I've been struggling massively to get back into a good routine and groove with filming. Being in a new place, with someone else in the house, recovering from the anxiety bullshit AND having a puppy that we're trying to train, has all been a bit much for my routine loving ass lmao. It's getting better slowly but I'm very much still finding my feet again with that and that's the biggest reason why things have been a bit slow here.

The other big reason is purely to do with the content itself. I've been desperately trying to find the best way to approach content here. There are obviously so many shows that I've started and I really want to continue but I physically don't have the time or energy to do all of them at once (which is entirely my own fault, I know this lmao). So I've tried different methods and frankly... I still haven't found anything that works well enough for me and that's left me stuck. It's not the worst thing in the world by any means, but it's certainly frustrating when I'm unable to get over that block to just.. get shit done.

I'm sure eventually I'll get back into a good groove and be able to strike a balance between everything that works well and is sustainable, but for now it's just a bit of a question mark. And it doesn't help that there's constantly new content coming out that I really wanna watch lmao.

Anyway, I'm not looking for a solution from you guys or anything, I'm simply just explaining what's been going on recently. 

For now, I'm just gonna keep chipping away, focus on the high priority content that was talked about recently and throw in other things when I can. Slowly but surely, I'll get through everything and one day I may actually be able to stick to a good uploading routine. What a day that will be.

I hope that all made sense and explained why things have been the way they are. My goal for now is to just.. get a little more consistent with each subsequent week. I'm not gonna restrict myself to a tight schedule, nor promise a specific amount of content each day/week/month, and I'm also not gonna completely free-wheel it. I'm just gonna set myself a realistic goal for the week and add onto it bit by bit until it reaches the optimum point for me. I think if I do that, it'll help get me back into the groove and I won't feel the need to make posts like this every few days.

Regardless, as always, I am so grateful for your patience and kindness. The final April requests are on the way so I'll see you soon!

- Kaia


Tony Ngo

thx for the update, but honestly no need. you owe nothing to anyone except urself and of course your health, mental and physical, is the most important thing. looking forward to more content when they come, no rush !!! take care

Gabrielle Renae

Honestly the most important thing is health. Every kind. Take your time we'll be here whether you're dripping content or not. I love a routine but life and health (I have chronic debilitating migraines) get in the way of whatever plans and routine you may have. Take your time and don't stress if you can help. As long as you're enjoying what you're watching/listening to then I'm sure most of us are happy even if everyone doesn't get every reaction they may want.

b hy

Hi, I signed on to your patreon not too long ago, and enjoying everything so far! Hope you take good care of yourself. We Koreans like to say "다 먹고 살려고 하는거지" (We're all doing this to eat and live) - the priority at the end of the day should be you and how you are doing rather than what you do. 😊


Best of luck figuring things out! Don't worry too much about reacting to things you feel like you should react to because others are looking for them if possible! Try to flow with whatever you're most excited to react to most and figure out the rest whenever you can! :)


I always love and appreciate your directness and sincerity, thank you for sharing so many bits and pieces of your life with us along with the awesome videos. Also - I'm a dog trainer, and wanted to remind you that the next 9 months are gonna be a bit of a killer at times...but all of the good stuff the puppy learns right now is not lost (just hidden under hormonal teenager-ness LOL) so don't despair or anything, your wonderful grown up dog will come out the other end and be worth it all :) Feel free to reach out if you ever want to 'puppy whinge' or need training or behaviour help, happy to chat dog stuff. Like, always :P