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The day I've had...

Firstly, let me just apologise for the relatively low volume of content here over the past couple days - ya boi has been trying desperately to sort out this damned Dropbox problem and it has fried my brain cells. Content will resume properly from tomorrow!

Second... bruh.

I literally just typed a whole massive long announcement for something (that is still gonna happen but I don't need to announce it right this minute anymore) because the Dropbox links *still* weren't working and despite many a message and email, nothing was happening.



Just as I was about to hit post on that announcement.. I checked my emails and lo and behold Katie from The Dropbox Team had emailed me and said that they'd lifted the link ban on my account and everything was good to go. I've double and triple checked and it does seem like all Dropbox links are alive and kicking again.

Everyone say thank you Katie from The Dropbox Team.

The content move is still in progress and eventually we will be saying goodbye to Dropbox permanently but for now... it stays (it's on thin f*cking ice, but it stays).

Those of you that have commented or messaged about link problems should now find no issue in accessing them. Though you may need to refresh your browser if you haven't done so since you last tried.

Thanks again everyone for you patience with this issue! The announcement I was going to make can now wait for another day (which is good bc I really didn't want to make it right now, I need to sit on it for a bit and sort some things out).

Hope you all have a great rest of your week and I will see you tomorrow for content!

- Kaia



Thanks Katie!!!


Not all heroes wear capes, thank you Katie 🙏

mistywolf the dragon rider

Thanks Katie, also thank you Kaia for putting up with all this stuff ❤️ sending virtual hugs 🫂

Terry London

i aspire to have your patience


Thank you ♥️


Thanks Katie