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  • High Priority = content that will be done this month
  • Medium Priority = content that should be done this month
  • Lower Priority = content that might be done if I have some extra time

Hey all,

So following on from the polls the other day, we have the results! Reminder that this is your guys' choices combined with my personal preferences. I've also decided to organise into three tiers of priority as opposed to just two. Now, lemme just explain a little what it means now that we've organised stuff into different levels of priority.

High Priority:

  • This is the content that both you (on average) and I are most interested in here on the channel
  • The goal with this is to aim for at least 2 bits of content per group (or 2 eps per show where applicable) per month. Obviously this may not always be possible and sometimes I'll do more than 2 for some but that's the general goal that I feel is pretty achievable.

Medium Priority:

  • For these groups/shows, I want to post at least 1 bit of content per month where I can. Again it may not always be possible and on busy months priority will obviously go to the above tier but when it's quieter, that's the goal
  • For some things (like WJSN) where I've only got a couple episodes left of the show I'm currently watching, I'll finish that up and then move the group to the lower tier in order to give me some extra time and space to finish up other things. This move won't be permanant though and those groups will come back into this tier or higher in time

Lower Priority:

  • Pretty straight forward, this is just the content that I will get to as and when I have a bit of extra time

With all of these tiers there's a chance that groups/shows can move in and out of their current tier in time. That's why all of these are titled with "May". What I'll likely do is revisit this every month or two and we can adjust accordingly.

Also, when I say "pieces of content" I'm not just referring to whatever show I'm currently watching for a certain group, I'm referring to all content. For example, for Seventeen, my usual focus is Going Seventeen but there's also other content I wanna watch eg. their Game Caterers appearance. Anything I post for any specific group is a "piece of content" ya know?

Oh also also you may notice that there are a couple extra things on there that weren't on the polls. Basically... I just forgot to add them so I've put them into tiers based on my own preference. When we re-do these polls in the near future, I'll add them on there and adjust as needed.

Okay, that should have us covered for the time being.

This will give so much more breathing space to get things done, especially while I'm still sorting out the Dropbox to Vidyard move.

If you have any major questions, let me know but this should cover the main things you need for now.

Reminder: you are under no obligation to remain a patron if the content you are here for the most isn't coming as often as you'd like. If I could be a robot and make all the content all the time I probably would but.. I'm me and this is how it's gotta be.

Thanks for reading. Have a great weekend!

- Kaia




WE DID IT JOE! WE DID IT! Kep1 content 😭😭😭


Happy to see Earth Arcade in the high priority! Korean variety shows were one of the big reasons I got into watching Korean content and Na PD, who is the showrunner of Earth Arcade, is the biggest contributor to my favourite shows. The 2nd season of the show is starting next week as well! I think you'll have a ton of fun watching all these quintessential Na PD games with this hilarious group of women!

Sandra l.

Exciting stuff on the menu 😀


I'm glad to see SVT on there! I'm really only here for boy group stuff so I don't always get that.

Terry London

sounds great hope you enjoy the content you react to


Always good to give that reminder Kaia. Don't bully creators just because they don't do what you want. It's really unfair.


curious... whats with Babymonster? I remember seeing you react to their live performances but not their introductions or their "last evaluation" series? No interest atm or just not enough time? Can I keep up hope? ;) Would love to hear your thoughts, of course.


soooooooo happy to see some possible Xdinary Heroes content this month!! I can tell you're gonna love them haha <3 no worries if you don't have the time this month though :)


It's perfectly alright to express disappointment in paid content delivery. It's not okay for free content. Many people subscribe to patreons based on content creators regularly delivering what they like to watch. When they don't it's perfectly fine to provide them feedback and express disappointment. That is NOT bullying creators.


I simply disagree. If you do not get the content you subscribed for, simply unsubscribe. You arent owed any content of a certain group.

Enrico Gratzer

It’s perfectly fine to ask and even express disappointment as long as it’s respectful, but the minute it starts bashing the creator for not providing that content then that’s when it crosses the line.


Super exciting stuff!!


so excited for all of the content!


I hope that you can check out Seventeen X Game Caterers. I’m not sure if you already have other content planned for them, but if you’re interested, the first episode was released yesterday and it has just been subbed.