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Sup x2,

As I explained before, this is the second of two polls designed to help be prioritise content! I'll take your choices here on board, add them to my own preferences and make plans accordingly :)

This poll specifically is for content that I'm not currently focusing on (or is only just starting) but I want to start soon!

Happy voting :)


Kevin F.

Never clicked anything in any poll as fast as I just did for HyeMiLeeYeChaePa

Sandra l.

HyeMiLeeYeChaePa !!!! This show is amazing


Chaewon mic out

Peter Yuen

Saw HyeMiLeeYeChaePa, that’s all it took😂


the excitement that I felt when I saw xdinary on here lmaoo


HyeMiLeeYeChaePa is incredible!


Come on Nevies, i know there are some more of you here. Vote. :p


HyeMiLeeYeChaePa lets goooo


Nice to see Xdinary Heros getting some love in this poll. The scary thing here is, this show "HyeMiLeeYeChaePa" I never heard of it, and I live in Korea. It's always a surprise to see international kpop fans enthusiastic about a random show few people here know or have heard of.


123ive plzzzzzzzzz the new episode lmao