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How you all doing? Good, I hope.

Thought I'd pop in again - as it's a new month and we have a bunch of new people - and remind you all that Dropbox links are now suspended and will be for the next couple months at least. I'm making progress on moving all the content. June - August 2020 are all re-uploaded and re-linked and I'm starting on September now.

I figured it made more sense to just move through things chronologically but I'll probably work on survival shows separately soon as I've seen a few people now comment on them about links. It'll all require time and patience though I'm afraid.

Okay, now on to the next thing! 

In a short while I'll be posting 2 polls (for tier 2 and up). The first one will be the groups/content that I am currently working on here and the second will be groups/content that I'm not currently working on but I want to start soon.

I did something like this towards the end of last year to help me prioritise different things but basically all I need from you guys is to choose on both polls which content/groups you would most like to see prioritised on the channel. I'll then take this info on board, add it to my personal preferences and come up with a shorter list of groups & content to focus on a little more.

The reason for doing this is because, frankly, I'm struggling to focus because I have too many options lmao. There's so much that I wanna watch that my brain is pulled in all these directions and I end up in a slump not being able to do anything. Hopefully, if I can narrow it down to a smaller selection it'll make it easier for me to focus.

My basic plan is to have two different priority lists with all the current and potential content organised into one of the two: higher priority and lower priority. The higher priority content will of course be more regular, the lower less regular but still done now and then.

This should hopefully give you all a better idea of what to expect month to month now that we've learned that strict schedules don't work for me. It'll also hopefully let me focus better AND give me a bit more free time for one off variety episodes, Lee Mujin Service, live stages & so on.

Things that won't be included on the polls:

  • Twenty Five Twenty One (we'll be getting back to this regularly starting this week)
  • Girls Re:Verse (I don't have an exact plan for when I'm getting back to this but SOON)

Okay, hope that all makes sense. Polls will both be up in a few minutes!

- Kaia



Happy to see Twenty Five Twenty One back on a regular schedule! And judging from the early votes of the two polls, as a Le Sserafim stan, it looks like I'll be eating well here too aha

Liam Green

Are u going to Twice concert in London