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And once again they do not miss a single time. Are we surprised? No. Are we overjoyed? Always


- Kaia



Lance Ma

the b side for this one is just so perfect. I just feels so warm when I listen to them.


I love this album - our queens are back! I reeeally hope they have a band when they go on tour - I want to hear those "No-Return" horns live.

Davids12345100 (edited)

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2023-05-02 02:54:50 And once again the bsides are the strength of this release! As much as I like Unforgiven, & I do…this is the 3rd time I wish a bside was the tt!
2023-05-01 22:13:40 And once again the bsides are the strength of this release! As much as I like Unforgiven, & I do…this is the 3rd time I wish a bside was the tt!

And once again the bsides are the strength of this release! As much as I like Unforgiven, & I do…this is the 3rd time I wish a bside was the tt!

Daniel Zhao

When I first heard unforgiven I was really confused whether I liked it or not but I think it's starting to grow on me after about 10 replays lmao


Remember Bsides are made to suit the fans taste. Title tracks are made to appeal to the General public, typically only true fans who bought the album will hear the bsides. Title tracks are to mass appeal to the public on radio and tv shows. Of couse fans always think a "bside" (which is tailored to their taste) should be a title track, but they are always wrong about that.

Davids12345100 (edited)

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2023-05-02 16:56:55 Well as much as I appreciate you telling me I’m wrong I’d like to point out a flaw in your logic. Of course tt’s appeal more to the masses but I would content it’s because they are marketed as such. Bsides, as good as they are, will never be as popular buts it’s not necessarily because tt’s are better…I’m firmly convinced that if Blue Flame & Impurities were the tt’s AND promoted as tt’s they’d be every bit as popular & possible more so. I can’t say for sure yet about E,P &TBW or even No Return but it’s certainly possible. So again I appreciate being told my opinion & wish for different tt’s are wrong but I’ll stand by my op.
2023-05-02 13:35:07 Well as much as I appreciate you telling me I’m wrong I’d like to point out a flaw in your logic. Of course tt’s appeal more to the masses but I would content it’s because they are marketed as such. Bsides, as good as they are, will never be as popular buts it’s not necessarily because tt’s are better…I’m firmly convinced that if Blue Flame & Impurities were the tt’s AND promoted as tt’s they’d be every bit as popular & possible more so. I can’t say for sure yet about E,P &TBW or even No Return but it’s certainly possible. So again I appreciate being told my opinion & wish for different tt’s are wrong but I’ll stand by my op.

Well as much as I appreciate you telling me I’m wrong I’d like to point out a flaw in your logic. Of course tt’s appeal more to the masses but I would content it’s because they are marketed as such. Bsides, as good as they are, will never be as popular buts it’s not necessarily because tt’s are better…I’m firmly convinced that if Blue Flame & Impurities were the tt’s AND promoted as tt’s they’d be every bit as popular & possible more so. I can’t say for sure yet about E,P &TBW or even No Return but it’s certainly possible. So again I appreciate being told my opinion & wish for different tt’s are wrong but I’ll stand by my op.


Bsides are rarely marketed and only fans will hear them. That's a fact. Sorry if you don't like that. But fans buy albums. Fans listen to bsides. Unless a Bside is promoted with an MV and music shows it won't be heard by the Gp.