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As I explain I bunch here: the ep.11 reaction is only the non-elimination segments as I already knew the result going into it!


- Kaia

My updated top 9:




Losing the entire supercharger team right after losing Wumuti hurt so damn bad. In terms of leader I'd also really enjoy a dual-leader moment with Park Hanbin and Jiwoong. As tou said, Hanbin is amazing at leading performances etc, and Jiwoong is an amazing mediator which is something I feel a lot of people tend to lack (? Idk if that's the right way to word it)


Hahahaha have the exact same top 9 in different order, amazing


Idk if you’ve said this before and I’ve missed it but I’m confused as to why Jay isn’t in your top nine when he was in your top two near the beginning? Honestly just curious, but solid top nine other than that! Still devastate Haruto and Zihao didn’t make it😩


Quite similar, I have nothing against them but I don't really get the obsession over Ricky and Ji woong. We have a similar Top9 but in quite a different order since Zhang Hao is my Top Pick and I have Taerae and Jay instead of Ji Woong and Yujin


In the group I'd kinda want a co-leader situation with Jongwoo and Zhang Hao


I'm not really sure tbh. Still love him a lot and he's constantly in the rotation for that 9th spot but similar to with Matthew I just found that as time went on my attachment to other contestants grew beyond my attachment to him y'know?


I would just switch out Yujin and Jay and that would be an ideal top 9 for me. I adore Yujin but I still think he is too young to debut. I worry about him (especially seeing the way people act about him and over sexualize him already)


I think Jongwoo or Jiwoong should be leader because they are both incredible and have showcased such beautiful leader qualities. ❤️


honestly, even as someone who has a ricky as their 1 pick, I don't think even I can explain the obsession over him (other than his talent ofc), there's just something abt him that's so like- alluring, I guess? lmao, it's also hugely down to the content of him outside of the show because he gets barely any (positive, that is) screen time so I guess if you're not seeing that kind of stuff for him then it's very understandable why he's not one of your top picks.


In terms of leadership, leader qualities I personally think ZangHao is better than Jiwoong.


Haruto getting eliminated stabbed me in the gut dude, I was actually so confident in him making it 🤡🤡🤡 It's the way his face wasn't shown for the "18th place" candidates and I just stared in shock LMAO Also him saying that the future was bleak for him STOP I WILL CRY (holding out hope for a debut at some point though) Jay getting last in Over Me team and going down in rankings BRUH I expected it but like...still hurts I was the same way with Ricky in the beginning, but idk man, love that guy now - not really sure why, but he's definitely charming and very talented! Okay but like I loved Somi as a Star Master - during the elims she was really empathetic and charming while still being professional, and I just thought it was a good energy for the person reading the elims to have, y'know? Like she was reassuring Hiroto when he said he was lacking and stuff like that - idk, I just appreciate the empathy (that def comes from being in a stressful survival show setting multiple times lmaoo) Also during the elim process - Jay saying that Park Hanbin "served and deserved" added YEARS to my lifespan And I'm so here for a lot of the trainees giving their "thank you" mini speeches in different languages - it's really wholesome! Taerae moving Seungeon to the other song saying "you should stand out" STOP THAT'S SO SWEET I was wondering about the selection process too - like I was doubtful that any of them would purposefully sabotage someone else too hard (e.g. moving a rapper to a prominent vocal position or something), but at the same time wouldn't fully blame them, y'know? Gotta survive and all Hanbin moving Jay to sub vocalist 6 though - totally fair but HANBIN YOU KILLED HIM LMAO Hot Summer team hyping Yujin up I'm SOFT also I'm HERE for Yujin's confidence era let's go (I'm also officially adopting Yujin) I simply cannot choose just one person 😂 I'll probably alternate between who I vote for everyday, and just see what happens lmao I would love to watch the final live, but where I live it'll be live broadcasting at 4-5 AM and I have to wake up at 6:30 for class AHHHHH I will do my absolute best to avoid spoilers for a day ASLKFJSLKFJ


I also feel like for a lot of the super popular contestants, even though I'm not religiously voting for them, I would completely fine with them debuting. Like, I'm not actively voting for Jiwoong or Yujin, but I would be hella jazzed if they made it, y'know? If Ricky makes it I will be STOKED, both because I love that guy and also to spite Mnet lmao. Unfortunately I don't get the hype around Gyuvin yet...he just hasn't really stood out to me so far, but again, I would be chill if he made it So many talented trainees! P.Hanbin, Jongwoo, Taerae...also would be hyped to have them and bro if Seungeon or Jay make it I would be ecstatic fr - having both Hanbins in the group would be iconic, ngl


The feral screech I let ut when Jongwoo was announced. I have to watch at work (f u timezones) and my boss just looked at me like I'm insane, but that honestly was just such a euphoric moment for me. I had really gaslighted myself the entire week to come with him being eliminated so when he wasn't I didn't even really know what to do with myself. I was shook. So sad to loose som many others on my top 9 tho, and Haruto hurt like hell 😭😭


okay i admit i'm SOOO biased (gunwook/seungeon 2pick) but say my name to me is seungeon and his (excellent) friends. like don't get me wrong i love every person there and shanbin/jiwoong are in my 9pick, but MY GOD. seungeon is all i hear on that track. he's such a star. even if he doesn't make the lineup, which i'm 99% sure he won't unfortunately, i NEEEED yuehua to do stuff with him and not just dungeon him for 4-5 years until they're ready to debut another bg. PLEASE let him do osts or maybe even a temporary subunit with someone else the way lew and hyeongseop did before tempest. also this round fully got me on the phanbin train. i always liked him but he rocketed up into my list and is sitting safely in my top 9. i reeeeeally hope voters are turning out for him and he manages to squeak in at 8 or 9. i definitely have my reservations about yujin debuting because of how he's treated, but he's SOOOO cuties perfect and i have made peace with him making it. so i'm going all in on adopting him. and i ADORE that he's usually a polite sweet maknae, but the second you put him near jiwoong and shanbin he starts bullying them the way a little brother does. he's so comfy with them. and with gyuvin, but gyuvin is just a little bastard and seems to be on the attack with EVERYONE regardless of them being older and younger LOL. gunwook's my perfect wonderful boy as always but him in the dino costume with his fluffy hair is sooooooooo. he's just my son. i also love that you can see how clingy dog union (gyuvin/junhyeon/gunwook) are in this team LMAO. in their little fanmeet, gyuvin dropped his papers, knocked over his chair, fell into junhyeon's lap, and got scolded by gunwook-- who, again, is a year younger than both of them. in another world i could totally see the three of them all debuting together. also i'm so deeply obsessed with them pulling jaehwan for the final mission. they needed someone annoying (affectionate) and they got him! i know in my heart of hearts he showed up on set with his guitar unprompted LMAO. he's SOO camp counselor coded, even after wanna one.


as long as the surprises next week are Jongwoo and PHanbin getting into the Top 9 and debuting i will be ECSTATIC! i've gotten so invested, i don't know what i'll do if they don't make it lol also, every comment of yours related to Yujin i quietly applaud lol why is almost everyone forgetting he is 15/16??


yessss to the haruto/seunghwan in the same group idea


this episodes were so hard to see as a jay one pick stan, like they really gave no screentime to his high notes and adlibs when that was one of the best things in the performance, like why would you zoom out/focus on other members while he is doing the high notes, and then when he was pushed out from main vocal to sub vocal 6 in a different song made me feel so bad. Anyways overall on this last round my top 3 performances were over me, en garde and say my name. the elimination was the one of the worst ever and I'm so nervours about the finale, I just hope matthew and Jay makes it


this was a rough one, ngl... haruto had consistently been in my top 9 and I have had a soft spot for him since loud and for some reason I'd been so sure he would make it through to the final (even if I didn't really think he would make it into bep1er), so losing him along with seowon and woongi (who have been in and out of my top 9 throughout the show) sucked! for me personally the super charger performance was probably the one I liked the least - don't get me wrong, it was still a great performance and all of them did great (especially ruto), but all the performances this round were soooo strong, that this one was just the one I was least drawn to my personal favourite was (surprisingly, as I had not expected that) say my name; the performance made me feel the feelings, I don't even know how to describe it? for some reason the way they made me feel reminded me of how early TXT made me feel hehe


regarding yujin, I feel like I have a pretty similar outlook to yours he is so precious and so talented, I just wanna put him in my pocket and I've adopted him as one of my "sons" since the signal song test - I'm still somewhat conflicted as to whether I want him in the group or not because of his age but chances are high he will be and I truly think he deserves it too his story on BP really reminds me of niki's on i-land.. they are of similar age during their respective shows, among the youngest but often treated as older than they are because they are so talented and seem more mature (still not over yujin calling ollie hyung lol), both had a severe hit in confidence during their shows (although I am glad to see that yujin seems to already have gained some of his back), ... I really hope that no matter whether he makes it or not, yujin gets the chance to still be a kid as well

Mel Foster

Boys Planet definitely went back to the way Produce set things up and you can see it clearly in episode 11. From picking their own parts in the songs by 'kicking' other trainees and with letting the fans decide on the killing part

Moonlight Is A Mixer

the interim ranks came out and i’m so surprised omg also we’re super close to getting phanbin in top 9 WE CAN DO IT

Aurélie Pires

i hope gun wook win my utb bias in the show

Victoria (edited)

Comment edits

2023-05-08 03:22:17 i’m so sad haruto went home :( he was in my top 9! i like a lot of the guys left though, i feel like i’ll be happy with whoever makes it! my top 9: sung hanbin zhang hao kim ji woong matthew jongwoo jay yujin keita taerae & gunwook (i can’t choose between the two lol, i would love either one of them to be in the lineup) just outside my top 9: ricky seungeon
2023-04-17 19:52:38 i’m so sad haruto went home :( he was in my top 9! i like a lot of the guys left though, i feel like i’ll be happy with whoever makes it! my top 9: sung hanbin zhang hao kim ji woong matthew jongwoo jay yujin keita taerae & gunwook (i can’t choose between the two lol, i would love either one of them to be in the lineup) just outside my top 9: ricky seungeon

i’m so sad haruto went home :( he was in my top 9! i like a lot of the guys left though, i feel like i’ll be happy with whoever makes it! my top 9: sung hanbin zhang hao kim ji woong matthew jongwoo jay yujin keita taerae & gunwook (i can’t choose between the two lol, i would love either one of them to be in the lineup) just outside my top 9: ricky seungeon


ohh he totally reminds me of niki, you're right!! he's like a combo of niki on iland and bae jinyoung on produce s2 tbh.


So I've seen people say that Koreans prefer visuals over talents and that's just kinda sad, like surely it should be about their ability to sing/rap/dance/perform, not just how they look? I feel like that's where people stand when voting for Gyuvin and Yujin, like they have talents but I just don't feel like either of them are there yet (especially a 15 year old!) Still not over Jay coming last in Over Me and Haruto and Wang Zihao not making it, hope those 2 debut somewhere, they have way too much talent to be ignored! I feel like up to 15 of those 18 could make the final lineup like this is mad how talented they all are! Could definitely see some surprises happening this Thursday. Anyway, my top 9 is (not in order, think I've done it in age order or something) Jiwoong, Hao, Jay, Shanbin, Keita (a little hanbin sandwich filler), Phanbin, Matthew, Seungeon, Gunwook. Leader here would probably be Jiwoong with Hao as co-leader, Hanbins would definitely be performance leaders if they go for that sort of thing in this type of group


i'm still devastated by haruto's elimination tbh i can't believe he's gone 😭 my current top 9: 1. jongwoo 2. matthew 3. jiwoong 4. hao 5. s.hanbin 6. jay 7. gunwook 8. keita 9. ricky honestly i do think all of the finalists are talented, and i'd still probably stan the group regardless of who debuted. i'm just REALLY hoping for matthew and jongwoo to debut, they're my main favourites and i'll be so upset if they don't make it.