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Hey fam,

So if you're in the discord/follow me on twitter then you'll be aware already but for the rest of you: I now have a cold 🙃

I cant seem to catch a break this month but *at least* it's not covid. The test I took this morning was negative, I'll take another in a couple days to be sure but fingers crossed it is just a bad cold.

Between that and this week being the Big Move week (I.e. when we move all my furniture and finally say goodbye to the old place) I've come to the decision that I'm just gonna pause filming for the week.

First of all, I apologise for constantly having to change the plans but I hope you all can understand that needs must.

Second, if I feel particularly energetic one day and wanna watch some stuff I will but I'm gonna allow myself the freedom of a week off to finish this move, recover from this bitch of a cold and generally just... rest.

Now, if I'm able to, I still wanna check out the Billlie and Xikers releases when they drop but I'm very much gonna play that by ear.

Again I apologise for yet another plan change. This month has really not been The One for me and I feel like I'm dragging myself to the end of it just hoping that April will be better.

I've deleted the schedule that I posted before so as not to confuse anyone and will post an update once I'm fully back (first week of April all going well).

As always, my love and appreciation to all of you for your understanding and patience. And I of course understand anyone that wants/needs to back out of their patronage for the time being as this month has been a mess. But to those of you that continue to stick around, thank you so much. Always.

Okay, that's all from me. Here's hoping this week goes smoothly and I don't need to make anymore posts like this for a while.

- Kaia

ps. Regarding Boys Planet: I didn't watch it yesterday bc the site I use didn't have full subs at the time I was filming so I was gonna wait a day or two but alas, illness. I'll catch up with it as soon as I can bc I don't want to fall behind but we'll see how things go



rest well!


Being ill AND moving is the worst combo. Definitely take it as easy as you need to, especially if you're like me and rather sensitive to changing environments. First thing when I moved last was I got sick from the new air, so please take care of yourself!

an ♡

any updates on boys planet?